sudo systemctl restart mssql-server # Connect to server and get the version: counter=1 errstatus=1 while [ $counter -le 5 ] && [ $errstatus = 1 ] do echo Waiting for SQL Server to start... sleep 5s /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd \ -S localhost \ -U sa \ -P $MSSQL_SA_...
oc get secret -n openshift-kube-apiserver-operator loadbalancer-serving-signer -o jsonpath='{.data.tls\.crt}' | base64 -d > $cluster-ca.pem 更改kubeconfig 文件,使其包含提取的 CA 证书。例如: [virtwho-host]$ cat /root/.kube/config apiVersion: v1 clusters: - cluster...
The minimum required Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) version is RHEL 8 for SAP. As described in SAP Note 3115048, a fresh installation of a SAP kernel with integrated systemd based SAP Startup Framework support will always result in a systemd controlled SAP instance. After an SAP ker...
To get started with Docker Engine on RHEL, make sure youmeet the prerequisites, and then follow theinstallation steps. Prerequisites OS requirements To install Docker Engine, you need a maintained version of one of the following RHEL versions: ...
rhel 8 appstream 存储库中: # yum install ansible-core 验证 检查您的系统中是否存在 ansible-core 软件包: # yum info ansible-core 如果您的系统中确实存在 ansible-core 软件包,命令输出有关软件包名称、版本、发行版本、大小等信息: available packages name : ansible-co...
Get index ID of kernel using grubby Before we configure our system to boot with old kernel version in RHEL 8, we must be familiar with the index mapping. Get the list of available kernels installed on your system bash [root@rhel-8 ~]# rpm -qa | grep kernel | sort -V ...
### Prerequisites# Get version of RHELsource/etc/os-releaseif[ $(bc<<<"$VERSION_ID< 8") = 1 ]thenmajorver=7elif[ $(bc<<<"$VERSION_ID< 9") = 1 ]thenmajorver=8elsemajorver=9fi# Download the Microsoft RedHat repository packagecurl -sSL -O
OS Version: RHEL8 -- home dir and src code are mounted via nfs shared across multiple servers. Steps to Reproduce: Open Code and edit a file Save this file edit same file again try to save -- will show file as unsaved exit code will show window with: ...
Thankfully, additional checks that a more recent find_libpython does prevent the shim library "" from being returned as candidate, so we at least get a clear error instead of picking up the wrong Python version. imphil changed the title cocotb 1.7.1 wheel install fails with ...
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 安装成功后,下载介质执行: ./ 1. 所有工件都存储在./outputs 目录。 此脚本调用以下所有脚本: Setup python, etc. Setup python venv, install required python packages. Download and extract kubesp...