Pharming是一家商业阶段的生物制药公司,专注于于开发蛋白质替代疗法和罕见病的精准治疗。 公司的核心管线RUCONEST®是重组人C1酯酶抑制剂(recombinant human C1 esterase inhibitor,rhC1INH),是第一个也是唯一的无血浆rhC1INH蛋白替代疗法,C1INH是一种天然存在的蛋白质,它可以下调补体的级联反应,从而控制受影响部位的...
rhC1INH: a new drug for the treatment of attacks in he- reditary angioedema caused by C1-inhibitor deficiency. Exp Rev Clin Immunol. 2011;7:143e153.Varga L, Farkas H. rhC1INH: a new drug for the treatment of attacks in hereditary angioedema caused by C1-inhibitor deficiency. Expert ...
rcc-rhC1INH 和ox-rhC1INH 2 种对照品质量浓度为0.2、1 和 1.4 mg ·mL-1 时的回收 率均在85%~115% 的范围内。对同1 批3 个待测样品进行测定,rcc-rhC1INH 含量为(0.082 ±0.008 )% , RSD 为9.8% ;ox-rhC1INH 含量为(0.35 ±0.05 )% ,RSD 为14.3%,显示该方法具有较好的专属性、准确性 和...
Israel, and colleagues examined the safety and prophylactic effect of weekly administration of rhC1INH (50 U/kg body weight) in a study involving 25 patients with a history of HAE attacks occurring at least every two weeks. Following a two-week run-in period, patients received rhC1INH admini...
2020年4月6日在线发表在 JACC:Cardiovascular Interventions 上的一项随机临床试验结果显示,与安慰剂相比,rhC1INH的预防性给药可减轻尿液NGAL的升高,并降低了血清胱抑素C增加的发生率。这提示,行冠状动脉造影术前和之后4 h使用rhC1INH可能与较少的肾损伤相关。同时,2020年4月6日,发表于Medscape的一篇文章回顾了PRE...
rhC1INH Cuts Attack Frequency in Hereditary AngioedemaNewsJaapa
rhC1INH: a new drug for the treatment of attacks in he- reditary angioedema caused by C1-inhibitor deficiency. Exp Rev Clin Immunol. 2011;7:143e153.Varga L, Farkas H. rhC1INH: a new drug for the treatment of attacks in hereditary angioedema caused by C1-inhibitor deficiency. Expert ...
Results The NMA fixed effects model found no significant differences in time to beginning of symptom relief between sebetralstat 300 mg and IV-rhC1-INH 50 IU/kg (HR [95% CI] 0.96 [0.42-2.15] to 1.19 [0.58-2.45]). After adjusting for baseline attack severity, MAIC showed numerically ...
rhC1inh was well tolerated (no allergic reactions) and showed the desired biological activity (C4 increases and inhibition of C4b/c formation) and will be tested in phase II studies in patients with severe attacks of angioedema. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (2004) 75 , P52鈥揚52; doi...
rhC1inh was well tolerated (no allergic reactions) and showed the desired biological activity (C4 increases and inhibition of C4b/c formation) and will be tested in phase II studies in patients with severe attacks of angioedema. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (2004) 75 , P52鈥揚52; doi...