bone regeneration in the group of AXCB/rhBMP-2 graft was 27.72 ± 4.68,53.90 ± 21.92,and 77.35 ± 9.83 when at 4,8,and 12 weeks,which was better than that of auto bone graft,prompting that the group of AXCB/rhBMP-2 graft had commendable osteogenic effect.And comparing with the AXCB...
Methods:8goatsweredonecervicalinterbodyfusionandbonegraftinduction, anteriortitaniumplatefixation,vertebralintermediateplaceCage,whichwasimplanted Guyoudao1mg.ImmediatelyafteroperationgoatswereperformedX-rayexamination;12 weeksand24weeksafteroperationwereperformedradiologyX-rayandCTexamination ...
Autologous bone grafting remains the gold standard in the treatment of large bone defects but is limited by tissue availability and donor site morbidity. Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2), delivered with a collagen sponge, is clinically used to treat large bone defects and c...
The patients and all staff, including hospital nursing staff, case management, and physical therapists, will be blinded as to which bone graft treatment the patient received. 疾病 Lumbar Spine Degeneration 干预 "InterventionType":Biological"InterventionName":5cc Vivigen and local autograft"...
折有限元模型,模拟DHS及硫酸钙增强DHS固定,分析硫酸钙骨水泥的增强效果。 结果:1.内固定增强的组织形态学数据表明,与非增强组相比,增强组在2。4,8周时..
RhBMP-2 Is Superior to Iliac Crest Bone Graft for Long Fusions to the Sacrum in Adult Spinal Deformity: 4- to 14-Year Follow-up RhBMP-2 is superior to iliac crest bone graft for long fusions to the sacrum in adult spinal deformity: 4- to 14-year follow-up. Spine (Phila Pa ... Ki...
Background: Secondary alveolar cleft reconstruction using autologous iliac crest bone graft is currently the standard treatment for alveolar clefts. Although effective, harvesting autologous bone may result in considerable donor-site morbidity, most commonly pain and the potential for long-term sensory dist...
P63. Use of recombinant human bone morphogenic protein (rhBMP-2) without iliac crest bone graft in multilevel posterolateral spinal fusion in the elderlydoi:10.1016/j.spinee.2005.05.278Ashok Biyani and Ian Rodway and Koichi Sairyo and Vijay Goel...
8 Welch RD(Zhang H)Bronson DG Experimeental tibial plateau frac-tures augmented with calcium phosphate cement or autologous bone graft J Bone Joint Surg(Am)(2003)85(2):222-231 9 Rijnen WH,Gardeniers JW, Schreurs BW, et al Impacted bone and calcium phosphate cement for repair of femoral ...