摘要: 2020年5月22曰下午,由团省委,省委教育工委,省科协,省社会科学院,省学联共同主办,陕西师范大学承办的第十三届"挑战杯"陕汽集团陕西省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛在陕西师范大学长安校区落幕.今年是全省高校高职参与的大挑战杯,参赛作品水平较高,竞争非常激烈.关键词...
这里,运用理论抽象方法,把周恩来经济发展思想概括为六论:四化目标论;经济首位论;农业基础论;治水兴林论;科技关键论;结合统一论。四化目标论实现四个现代化,是... 刘景林 - 全国周恩来生平和思想研讨会 被引量: 7发表: 1998年 系统柔性治水兴水助推追赶超越的生动实践——陕西创新路径建设水生态文明调查 水是生命...
The new data should provide us with new insights into Moon's seismic activity, its interior, and composition. To fully benefit from the new data, we need to take advantage of the data acquired during the Apollo missions. The problem of relating new and old data is complex due to the ...
浆膜腔积液脑脊液常规检测操作(下) 课程详情(1)实验室诊断学概论:以新型冠状病毒诊疗为例,介绍实验诊断学概念,内容和目的、检验科质量如何保证、实验指标如何客观评价、临床医生如何开检验医嘱、实验诊断的质量体系和影响因素、常用方法学评价指标等。(2)临床检验
4月2日,金茂服务发布董事、首席执行官及战略及ESG委员会组成变动公告,董事会宣佈,谢炜因需投入更多时间于其个人事务而辞任金茂服务执行董事、首席执行官及战略及ESG委员会委员,及李玉龙获董事会委任为金茂服务公司执行董事、首席执行官及战略及ES...查看全文 ...
The ultrasonic bath has a forced flow filter to trap particles of paint, solvent, emulsifying agents etc. The filter is cleaned by an oscillating nozzle remove the collected particles. The filter is a perforated plate with canals in some of the perforations. The nozzle is directed at the holes...
PURPOSE: To remarkably improve force for pressing an effective spot for finger- pressure, to reduce the burden of a finger-pressure method, and to surely apply finger-pressure by constituting the tool so that a projecting part is provided in the center part of a flat and circular handle part...