The mechanism of action for the prevention of D immunization is likely due to the anti-D neutralizing the D antigen on D-positive RBCs. RhIg is most commonly used in the antienatal/postnatal prevention of anti-D formation in D-negative women and the prevention of anti-D formation in D-...
virusesviaasize-exclusionmechanismutilizingapatentedViresolve †180 ultrafiltrationmembranewithdefinedpore-sizedistributionof12-18 nanometers.Theultrafiltrationsteputilizestangentialflowfiltrationto permitfiltrationofIgGwhileeffectivelyretardingenvelopedandnon-
特异性免疫球蛋白Rho(D) immune globulin (Rho(D) IG)含有针对RBC抗原Rho(D)的抗Rho(D)抗体,由Rho(D)阳性RBC免疫Rho(D)阴性供体的血浆制成。 抗RHD免疫球蛋白(RHO IMMUNE)的用途 Rh同种免疫的抑制 在因怀孕或其他产科疾病(如自然流产或人工流产、创伤、先兆流产、异位妊娠、羊膜穿刺术、绒毛取样、妊娠终止...
翻译 Rh immune globulin释义 [医]Rh免疫球蛋白,猕猴免疫球蛋白 释义
Rh-immune globulinRh-im·mune glob·u·lin (RhIG) (im-yūn' glob'yū-lin) A concentrated solution of IgG anti-D that is administered to an Rh-negative person who has been exposed to Rh-positive red blood cells, particularly a woman who may be carrying or has aborted an Rh-...
Related to Rh Immune Globulin: Rh incompatibilityglob·u·lin (glŏb′yə-lĭn) n. 1. Any of a class of proteins that are widespread in blood plasma, milk, muscle, and plant seeds and that are insoluble in pure water but soluble in dilute salt solutions. Blood serum globulins are ...
The pharmacologic properties of Rhesus (Rh) immune globulin (RhIG) and clinical data on its effectiveness in preventing Rh-antigen alloimmunization in pregnant women are reviewed.RhIG is a human plasma derivative that targets red blood cells (RBCs) positive for Rh(O) antigen (also called D ant...
Related to Rh immune globulin:Rh incompatibility RhIg, Rho(D) immune globulin Obstetrics A sterile plasma-based preparation rich in anti-Rh antibodies used to prevent production of Rho(D) antibodies in Rh-negative mothers who may have an Rh-positive infant; its use virtually eliminates HDN due...
Prevention of Rh Immunization: Evaluation of Rho (D) Antibody and Elaboration of its Mechanism of Action by Chromium-51 RBC Clearing Method Prevention of Rh Immunization: Evaluation of Rho (D) Antibody and Elaboration of its Mechanism of Action by Chromium-51 RBC Clearing Method450 渭gm of Rh...
of proteins that are soluble in water or dilute salt solutions. Among the most important are the immunoglobulins (Ig), the antibodies of the immune system (seeimmunity). They are classified into five types based upon structure: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM. IgG or γ-globulin is the ...