里面是RubyEncoder的加载器,RubyEncoder 通过编译和加密来保护 Ruby 和 Ruby on Rails 文件。经过加密的脚本由 RubyEncoder 的加载器来运行。如果你有安装sketchup软件,在C盘可能会出现这个文件夹。
RGLoader - Open source development environment loader Assembly247 RGLoaderRGLoaderPublic RGLoader C126 RGLoader-XEXRGLoader-XEXPublic archive The runtime rgloader.xex source C87 FakeAnimFakeAnimPublic A bootanim replacement that allows running full devkit shadowboots on a test kit using exploitable ...
rgloader文件夹可以删。根据相关信息查询显示,这个文件夹是下载软件的默认文件夹,比特精灵就是,rgloader文件夹不是系统文件夹。00分享举报您可能感兴趣的内容广告 mg动画制作?立即定制,快速获取报价 mg动画制作?在线提供报价和工期 mg动画制作,上一品威客,专注动画/漫画设计,为企业提供一站式动漫制作需求,动画制作,...
loaders RGLoader, initial commit, needs cleaning/fixing Apr 12, 2021 patches RGLoader, initial commit, needs cleaning/fixing Apr 12, 2021 rgbuild RGLoader, initial commit, needs cleaning/fixing Apr 12, 2021 INIFileParser.dll RGLoader, initial commit, needs cleaning/fixing Apr 12, 2021 KDNet_...
这个是某个应用程序创建的,系统没有这样的文件夹 可能是你电脑中的某个游戏的加载器或者什么 删掉也不会影响系统
ok, so i know people were looking for this.. as i was.. lol.. but this is rgloader 17489 for RGH.. NOTE: This does not work with falcons.. it is guaranteed to work with trinitys, as i have tested on mine.. note 2: what sets this aside from the version fl
草图 载入文件 !!!ygfload.rb 时出错 Error: #<RGLoaderError 只看楼主 收藏 回复ok周111 英勇黄铜 1 616435825 黄铜Ⅱ 2 收费版来的 登录百度帐号 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示2...
rgloader.iniLatest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. HistoryHistory File metadata and controls Code Blame 37 lines (21 loc) · 1.12 KB Raw [Filters] Block_Live_Dns = 0 ;block xbox live servers [Expansion] Map_USB_Mass = 1 ;map usb drives to xbox neighborhood Persistent...
RGLoader 0v400 (16537 support) Decided to release my updates to RGLoader because of increased demand lately. I have been lacking testers lately so I am going to go ahead and release the builder and files and hope that everyone will leave feedback if they