grid = np.zeros((yRange.size, xRange.size))for(xi, xx)inenumerate(xRange):#print xx#print xifor(yi, yy)inenumerate(yRange):ifdoboost:## BoostingX = np.matrix([[xx,yy]]) grid_point = classifyBoost(X,priors,mus,sigmas,alphas, covdiag=covdiag)#print grid_point#xx = int(xx)#y...
File "D:\Anaconda\envs\gpu-env\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\axes\", line 4284, in _parse_scatter_color_args colors = mcolors.to_rgba_array(c) File "D:\Anaconda\envs\gpu-env\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 294, in to_rgba_array result[i] = to_rgba(cc, al...
hsv = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV) zeros = np.zeros(image.shape[:2],dtype='uint8') for (name,chan) in zip(('H','S','V'), cv2.split(hsv)): cv2.imshow(name,chan) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. L*a*b* CIE1976Lab色空间(CI...
voc_clean\JPEGImages_jpg\\"names=os.listdir(dirname_read)count=0for name in names: img=Imag...
Since the early 1980s,China has stopped giving away pandas as gifts because of their falling numbers.In the 1990s,China started 10-year loans of pandas to other countries.Today about 60 pandas are living abroad. Making the pandas feel at home,this may lead you the ques...
升级或启用Flash 1 - 50 51 - 100 101 - 150 151 - 200 我要赞赞赞赞赞赞赞 美女热舞 295 姐姐的舞蹈 嗨起来 295 我好喜欢的完美姐姐 295 拽起来 跳起来 美女舞蹈 295 好身材就要秀出来 295 姐姐喜欢跳舞,我喜欢欣赏观看 295 完美身材 好不好看 请开始 ...
央广网深圳11月17日消息(记者 彭艺娑)根据深圳市人民政府办公厅关于实施《广东省职工基本医疗保险门诊共济保障实施办法》有关事项的通知,从今年12月1日起,参加深圳基本医疗保险一档的参保人,普通门诊费用医保统筹基金可以报销50%以上。 参加深圳市基本医保一档的职工参保人,包括在职职工、退休职工和灵活就业人员,在医院...