+ (lum2 - lum1) * ((2.0 / 3.0) - hue) * 6.097 else98 lum199 end100 end101 def initialize(red, green, blue, alpha = 1)102 @red = Integer(red)103 @green = Integer(green)104 @blue = Integer(blue)105 @alpha = Float(alpha)106 end107 def ==(other)108 return true if equal?
蜜露橙240255240#F0FFF0锻棕⼟⾊1355136#873324薄荷⾊189252201#BDFCC9 象⽛⽩250255240#FAFFF0巧克⼒⾊21010530#D2691E草绿⾊10714235#6B8E23 亚⿇⾊250240230#FAF0E6⾁⾊25512564#FF7D40暗绿⾊4812820#308014 navajoWhite255222173#FFDEAD黄褐⾊240230140#F0E68C海绿⾊4613987#2E8B57 old ...
E.g. the next unit in the chain starts at 107. DMX 512: DMX (Digital Multiplex) is a universal protocol used as a form of communication between intelligent fixtures and controllers. A DMX controller sends DMX data instructions form the controller to the fixture. DMX data is sent as serial...
0 / 200字 搜索 单项选择题 绘制图形,注意其中的平行、对称、同心、共线等几何关系。 其中蓝色短线的长度相等,绿色圆弧半径相等。 参数: A=33, B=108, C=40, D=7, E=18 F=31, G=68, H=95, T=10 问题:图中上色部分(共两块)的面积是多少? A、2421.93 B、2421.94 C、2421.95 D、2421...