#d785ec/rgb(215,133,236)d785ec215,133,236 十六进制颜色代码#d785ec在RGB三原色光模式中,#d785ec是由84.31%的红色,52.16%的绿色和92.55%的蓝色组成。在HSL色彩空间里,#d785ec有288度的色调,73.05%的饱和度以及72.35%的亮度。 互补色#287A13 饱和度+25%#DF78F9 灰阶#B9B9B9 亮度+25%#F1D5F8 ...
初始#A785AB 暗度#7D6480 对比色#F9FF00 去饱和#A88FAB 网页安全色#999999 RGB R G B CMYK C M Y K HSL H S L HSV H S V XYZ X Y Z RGB颜色查询简介 字客网RGB颜色查询在线工具是一款功能强大的RGB颜色查询工具,包括对应CMYK、RGB、HSL、HSV、XYZ等色彩空间的色值,颜色梯度、色彩...
Saturated#785D00 Grayscale#474747 Brightened#9A7700 Original#785D00 Darkened#5A4600 Contrasting#00C6FF Unsaturated#78641E Web-safe#666600 RGB R G B CMYK C M Y K HSL H S L HSV H S V XYZ X Y Z RGB Color Query Intro The Fontke RGB Color Query contains informative data...
#785ee3 LRV ≈ 17.5% Closest short hex #75e ΔE = 2.684 RGB rgb(120, 94, 227) RGBA rgba(120, 94, 227, 1.0) Adobe RGB (1998) R: 0.44223, G: 0.36945, B: 0.87256 / #715edf ΔE = 1.28 rg chromaticity r: 0.272, g: 0.213, b: 0.515 RYB red: 47.059%, yellow: 36.863%, bl...
Hexadecimal: D80785 RGB Decimal : 216, 7, 133 HSL : 324°, 94%, 44% HSV : 324°, 97%, 85% CMYK : 0%, 96.8%, 38.4%, 15.3% XYZ : 32.629, 16.444, 23.645 xyY : 0.449, 0.226, 16.444 CIE-LAB : 47.552, 76.166, -10.641 CIE-LCH : 47.552, 76.906, 352.047 Hunter-Lab : 40.552,...
The hexadecimal color code #7e8785 is a shade of green-cyan. In the RGB color model #7e8785 is composed of 49.41% red, 52.94% green and 52.16% blue. In the HSL color space #7e8785 has a hue of 167° (degrees), 4% saturation and 51% lightness. This color has an approximate wa...
Unnamed RGB(203,120,92)Complementary#3487A3 Saturated#CB6745 Grayscale#8A8A8A Brightened#D88062 Original#CB785C Darkened#985A45 Contrasting#7497FF Unsaturated#CB8D78 Web-safe#CC6666 RGB R G B CMYK C M Y K HSL H S L HSV H S V XYZ X Y Z ...
rgb(120, 90, 144, 0.40) rgb(120, 90, 144, 0.20) #785a90 在白色背景上 #785a90 在黑色背景上开启白色文字 #785a90 背景 ColorCodesLab.com - 十六进制,RGB,HSV,Hunter Lab,CIE Lab,CIE Luv,XYZ,Yxy,十进制,十进制RGB,二进制,CMY,CMYK。 黑色文字在 #785a90 背景 ColorCodesLab.com - 十六进...
#bdd785/rgb(189,215,133)bdd785189,215,133 十六进制颜色代码#bdd785在RGB三原色光模式中,#bdd785是由74.12%的红色,84.31%的绿色和52.16%的蓝色组成。在HSL色彩空间里,#bdd785有79度的色调,50.62%的饱和度以及68.24%的亮度。 互补色#42287A 饱和度+25%#C1E17B 灰阶#AEAEAE 亮度+25%#E0ECC7 初始...
Color 785D8E ImageAdvertisementsColor 785D8E Description Advertisements #785D8E Hex Color for the Web has the RGB values of 120, 93, 142 and the CMYK colour values of 15.5, 34.5, 0, 44.3. This web color is described by the following tags: . The page belows contains color combinations, ...