RGB to Color Name MappingCopy policy
255, 0, 0); var colorName = FindColorName(argbColor); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(colorName)) Console.WriteLine("未找到"); else Console.WriteLine(color
然后,我们构建色卡样式部分,示例: // 色卡展示func colorCard() -> some View {Text(colorName).font(.system(size: 23)).fontWeight(.bold).frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 10, maxHeight: 240).padding().foregroundColor(.white).background(toRGB(.black).cornerRadius(8)} 上...
Namespace: CoreGraphics Assembly: Xamarin.iOS.dll Gets a string constant that identifies the RommRgb color space. C# [Foundation.Field("kCGColorSpaceROMMRGB","CoreGraphics")] [ObjCRuntime.Introduced(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.iOS,9,3, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, null)] [ObjCRuntime....
RGB = rgb({'Color Name 1','Color Name 2',...,'Color Name N'})accepts list of color names as a character array. Color reference chart To see the color options before plotting, you can reference the RGB charthere, but if you're thinking of a specific color, try the...
RgbColor.LocalName Property Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation Assembly: DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll Package: DocumentFormat.OpenXml v2.9.1 C# 複製 public override string LocalName { get; } Property Value String Applies to 產品版本 DocumentFormat.OpenXml ...
This is a color converter that runs on the web browser.It can convert RGB to hexadecimal color code (HEX), or convert hexadecimal color code to RGB.
The following examples will show how to use theColorToRgbaStringConverterto display the RGBA equivalent string of a specificColor. XAML Including the XAML namespace In order to use the toolkit in XAML the followingxmlnsneeds to be added into your page or view: ...
It can convert RGB to HSL, or convert HSL to RGB. ■ RGB to HSL Color converter ■ HEX HEX : ■ RGB R : G : B : ■ HSL H : S : L : range (H) :0~3600~100 range (S,L) :0~1000~255 Color preview #FF0000 Instructions for Use ...
Color Color Name Hex Color Code RGB Color Code White#FFFFFFrgb(255, 255, 255) Silver#C0C0C0rgb(192, 192, 192) Gray#808080rgb(128, 128, 128) Black#000000rgb(0, 0, 0) Red#FF0000rgb(255, 0, 0) Maroon#800000rgb(128, 0, 0) ...