Hence, the key contribution of this work is to replace multispectral scene parsing methods with a simple yet effective approach using single NIR images. The benefits of using our algorithm and dataset are confirmed in the qualitative and quantitative experiments. 展开 ...
International standard database (RGB-NIR Scene Dataset) is used in this work for image fusion. The objective of the paper is to present a simple and hardware efficient fusion method, where the original RGB image is converted into two different color spaces, namely, HSV...
KAIST dataset,CVC-14 dataset,FLIR dataset,FLIR-aligned dataset,Utokyo,LLVIP dataset,M3FD dataset,MMPD-Dataset,SMOD dataset,MFAD dataset. Improved KAIST Testing Annotations provided by Liu et al.download Sanitized KAIST Training Annotations provided by Li et al.download ...
遥感航拍农业异常数据集,收集3,432 个农田的 94,986 张高质量航拍图像,其中每张图像由 RGB 和近红外 (NIR) 通道组成,分辨率高达每像素 10 厘米。注释了对农民最重要的九种类型的田间异常模式(重复播种、干旱、车辙印,营养缺乏、播种机漏薄、风暴损坏、洪涝、水道、杂草簇异常),共20GB 遥感航拍农业异常数据集 ...
The method was evaluated through three datasets: the hyperspectral dataset, the RGB image dataset, and the fused dataset. Each dataset consists of four classes of VS with varying freshness levels. The datasets contain 462 bands of hyperspectral data, which was reprocessed into a single channel of...
In this section, we highlight the limitations of Sentinel2GlobalLULC40dataset, its suitable DL setting and new perspectives of its usage. Sentinel2GlobalLULC is specifically designed for scene image classification, so each image was annotated with one LULC class at scene level, not at pixel level...
We use the NYU Depth V2 dataset [55] and the SUN RGB-D dataset [56] datasets to verify the adaptability of the network in the indoor scene and the robustness of the network in the outdoor scene using the Cityscapes dataset [57]. Metrics: Following recent methods, [55], [53], [30]...
Salient object detection, which simulates human visual perception in locating the most significant object(s) in a scene, has been widely applied to various
Due to the limitation of depth sensors and scene configurations, the depth images are not perfect. There are pixels without depth values, that is, depth holes. Fig. 1 shows example images from the public SUN RGB-D dataset (Song et al., 2015) and a citrus orchard dataset. Because of the...
We then show that our proposed enhancement method produces more stable features than the existing state-of-the-art methods on RGB-NIR Scene Dataset. For feature matching, we use the SIFT features. As a use case, the proposed fusion method is tested on two challenging biometric verifications ...