PWM LED Color Generation */ int redpin = 9; // select the pin for the red LED int greenpin = 10 ;// select the pin for the green LED int bluepin = 11; // select the pin for the blue LED int val; void setup () { pinMode (redpin, OUTPUT); pinMode (bluepin, OUTPUT); p...
Measurement of transient deformation by color encoding. Opt. Express 2011, 19, 25712–25722. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 32. Barrientos, B.; Cerca, M.; García-Márquez, J.; Hernández-Bernal, C. Three-dimensional displacement fields measured in a deforming granular-media surface by combined fringe...
PlreovbellemofSstpaatetmiael natnd color noise, as shown in Figure 3d. To analyze the characteristics of the noise, FiTghuereco4lorshreoswtosrattihoen creosluolrtsroefstthoeraRtGioBn-NrIeRsuMltFsAwuintdherreesxptreecmtetlyo ltohwe litgyhptecoonfdcithioannsnienlc.luTdheea RGB chanhnigehlsles...
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