The decimal RGB color code is rgb(255,223,191). Closest WebSafe color: Bubble gum (#FFCCCC) GSearch on Google RGB Red Green Blue HSV Hue Saturation Value CMYK Cyan Magenta Yellow Key Quick use Click and Copy the codes below for quick use. Shades & Tints FFDFBFDFC3A7BFA78F9...
QPalette::Foreground——前景色(界面中文字的统一颜色) 界面的颜色 整个UI界面的颜色可以这样设置: QPalette color = palette();//控制窗体颜色 color.setColor(QPalette::Background, QColor(255,255,255));//背景颜色 //color.setColor(QPalette::Foreground, QColor(0,0,255,255));//前景颜色 setPalette...
including harmonious Color finder; features 5 formats of picked Color value (HTML, Rgb, HEX, HSB/HSV, HSL), 3x/9x zoom, saving picked Color history, Rgb & RYB Color wheels that display triads and complementary colors, Rgb Color mixer, optional stay-on-top and a user-defined hotkey to....
使用QPalette可以对界面颜色和控件的颜色进行自定义设置 QPalete::Window——通常指窗口部件的背景色 QPalette::WindowText——通常指窗口不见的前景色 QPalette::Base——底色 QPalette::Button——指按钮窗口部件的背景色 QPalette::ButtonText——指按钮窗口部件的前景色 QPalette::Text——文本输入窗口的前景色 ...
Many keyboards have some form of key backlighting. RGB backlighting can draw from a palette of over 16 million colors to help you customize the lighting atmosphere of your setup. While backlighting primarily makes keys easier to see in the dark, full RGB backlighting is an easy way to tie...
示例1: PaletteColor ▲点赞 9▼ publicPaletteColor(Color color,stringstylePrefix){this.Color = color;this.StyleColors =new[] {newStyleColor() { Key = stylePrefix +".hex", Value = color.ToHex() },newStyleColor() { Key = stylePrefix +".rgb", ...
CMYK 模式:CMYK 是一种用于印刷的颜色模式,它使用青色(Cyan)、品红(Magenta)、黄色(Yellow)和黑色(Key)四种油墨的组合来表示颜色。在某些应用中,PNG 格式也可以支持 CMYK 颜色模式。 Grayscale 模式:Grayscale 模式将图像表示为灰度级别,每个像素只包含亮度信息而不包含彩色信息。这种模式适用于黑白图像或者不需要彩色...
CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key (Black). It is a subtractive color model based on the CMY color process theory and used primarily in color printing: Cyan: A blueish-green tint. Magenta: A purplish-red hue. Yellow: Bright and sunny. ...
Use the palette to pick a color or the sliders to set the RGB, HSV, CMYK components. Search for a color by its name in the list containing more than 2000 names.
CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key, Wikipedia) is called the Subtractive system as reflected from pigments (for example, seen after reflection from a surface, such as from painting, printing or photo prints). We see the light reflected from the surface after the pigment color has absorbed some...