2. MediumSlateBlue - 适中的板岩暗蓝灰色 RGB值: 123, 104, 238 3. SlateBlue - 板岩暗蓝灰色 RGB值: 106, 90, 205 4. DarkSlateBlue - 深岩暗蓝灰色 RGB值: 72, 61, 139 5. Gray - 灰色 RGB值: 80, 80, 80 6. DimGray - 暗淡的灰色 RGB值: 69, 69, 69 The RGB color ...
The hexadecimal RGB code of Slate Blue color is #6A5ACD and the decimal is rgb(106,90,205). The red-green-blue components are 6A (106) red, 5A (90) green and CD (205) blue.
ColorScaleCriterion ColorStop ColorStops Comentario Comentarios ConditionValue Connections ConnectorFormat Constantes ControlFormat Corners CubeField CubeFields CustomProperties CustomProperty CustomView CustomViews Databar DataBarBorder DataFeedConnection DataLabel DataLabels DataTable DefaultWebOptions Diagrama Diagram...
Support English or RGB value(16 hex) search, For example : 984af7 4589c5 405288 color imagecolor code(RGB)color namecolor imagecolor code(RGB)color name F0F8FF aliceblue FAEBD7 antiquewhite 00FFFF aqua 7FFFD4 aquamarine F0FFFF azure F5F5DC beige FFE4C4 bisque 000000 black FFEBCD blanched...
The color of your search : slateblue English : slateblue RGB : 6a5acd The following is display color images
The hexadecimal RGB code of Medium Slate Blue color is #7B68EE and the decimal is rgb(123,104,238). The red-green-blue components are 7B (123) red, 68 (104) green and EE (238) blue.
颜色名称 (英文) | 颜色名称 (中文) | RGB值 | 十六进制颜色代码(hex_color) AliceBlue = {'name':'爱丽丝蓝', 'RGB':'240,248,255', 'hex_color':'#F0F8FF'} AntiqueWhite = {'name':'古董白', 'RGB':'250,235,215', 'hex_color':'#FAEBD7'} AntiqueWhite1 = {'name':'古董白色1',...
Slate blue can be used as abackgroundor accent color. It’s perfect if you’re interested in creating a minimalisticaestheticfor your brand. So if that’s what you’re aiming for, combine slate blue with other earthyshades, likeoff-white,ivory,taupe, orsage, and impress your audience with...
This color has an approximate wavelength of 480.31 nm. Buy paint matching this color Color Variations Inverted#8f7f6f 25% saturated#6c8094 Grayscale#808080 25% lighter#96a0aa Original#708090 25% darker#5c6671 Web safe: gray#808080 25% desaturated#73808d HTML: slategray#708090...
CSS name - ex. darkslategray2 NTC name - ex. Kilamanjaro1 NCS - ex. 0515-G40Y1 LAB - ex. lab(38.62215,-1.90377,-1.95908)31. case-sensitive, with spaces.2. case-insensitive, no spaces.3. case-insensitive Color palettes: Browse the color palettes section, where you can download color...