The hexadecimal RGB code of Yellow Green color is #9ACD32 and the decimal is rgb(154,205,50). The red-green-blue components are 9A (154) red, CD (205) green and 32 (50) blue.
可以使用如下代码来设置RGB颜色: # 设置红色 red = (255, 0, 0) # 设置绿色 green = (0, 255, 0) # 设置蓝色 blue = (0, 0, 255) # 设置紫色(红色和蓝色的组合) purple = (255, 0, 255) # 设置黄色(红色和绿色的组合) yellow = (255, 255, 0) 复制代码 在这个例子中,每个颜色都是一个...
■RGB(173,255,47)■★●◆greenyellow(绿黄) ■RGB(85,107,47)■★●◆darkolivegreen(深橄榄绿) ■RGB(154,205,50)■★●◆yellowgreen(黄绿) ■RGB(107,142,35)■★●◆olivedrab(橄榄褐) ■RGB(245,245,220)■★●◆beige(米色) ■RGB(250,250,210)■★●◆lightgoldenrodyellow(浅秋 ...
3. 红色(Red)- RGB(255, 0, 0)4. 唯银红(Violet Red)- RGB(255, 0, 255)5. 紫色(Purple)- RGB(128, 0, 128)6. 蓝色(Blue)- RGB(0, 0, 255)7. 蓝绿色(Cyan)- RGB(0, 255, 255)8. 绿色(Green)- RGB(0, 255, 0)9. 黄绿色(Yellow Green)- RGB(128, 255,...
xlGreenYellow 3145645 青黄色 xlLimeGreen 3329330 暗黄绿色 xlYellowGreen 3329434 黄绿色 xlCrimson 3937500 暗红色 xlPeru 4163021 秘鲁 xlTomato 4678655 番茄色 xlDarkSlateGray 5197615 深石板灰 xlDarkSlateGrey 5197615 深石板灰 xlCoral 5275647 珊瑚红 xlSeaGreen 5737262 海绿色 xlIndianRed ...
yellowgreen#9ACD32154,205,50 greenyellow#ADFF2F173,255,47 darkgoldenrod#B8860B184,134,11 indianred#CD5C5C205,92,92 peru#CD853F205,133,63 darksalmon#E9967A233,150,122 palegoldenrod#EEE8AA238,232,170 deeppink#FF1493255,20,147 orangered#FF4500255,69,0 ...
The hexadecimal RGB code of Yellow (RYB) color is #FEFE33 and the decimal is rgb(254,254,51). The red-green-blue components are FE (254) red, FE (254) green and 33 (51) blue.
12. 深绿色(dark green):RGB(0, 100, 0) #006400 13. 深蓝色(dark blue):RGB(0, 0, 139) #00008B 14. 银色(silver):RGB(192, 192, 192) #C0C0C0 15. 灰色(gray):RGB(128, 128, 128) #808080 可以很容易地通过上表找到某个颜色的RGB数值,进而在网页设计中使用。比如,如果你希望在网页中将某...
红色的RGB值是多少 三色原光模式(RGB color model),又称RGB颜色模型或者红绿蓝颜色模型,是一种加色模型,将红(Red)、绿(Green) 、蓝(Blue)三原色的色光以不同比例添加,以产生多种多样的色光。白色:rgb(255,255,255)黑色:rgb(0,0,0)红色:rgb(255,0,0)绿色:rgb(0,255,0)蓝色:rgb(0,0,...
Color NameHEX Color Code Blue#0057E2 Orange#F28B00 Yellow#FECC00 Gray#E9E9E9 Light Green#81BC00 Green#127C33 Red#EB261C Lucknow Super Giants Color Codes RGB The Lucknow Super Giants colors RGB codes are (0, 87, 226) for blue, (242, 139, 0) for orange, (254, 204, 0) for ye...