him a cargo of rice, pepper, raw silk, ivory, tortoiseshell, cardamom, gamboge, and stick-lac among other things, and also a petition from the king for Use the palette to pick a color or the sliders to set the RGB, HSV, CMYK components. Search for a color by its name in the list...
The hexadecimal RGB code ofPacific Bluecolor is#1CA9C9. This code is composed of a hexadecimal 1C red (28/256), a A9 green (169/256) and a C9 blue component (201/256). The decimal RGB color code isrgb(28,169,201). Closest WebSafe color:Celestial blue (#3399CC) ...
Ivory = #FFFFF0 = RGB(255, 255, 240) Black = #000000 = RGB(0, 0, 0) Gray = #808080 = RGB(128, 128, 128) Silver = #C0C0C0 = RGB(192, 192, 192) Yellow = #FFFF00 = RGB(255, 255, 0) Purple = #800080 = RGB(128, 0, 128) Orange = FFA500 = RGB(255, 165, 0) Mar...
Ivory#fffff0 Lemon yellow (Crayola)#ffff9fColor Schemes Download: CIELab CIELCHuv CAM16 JCh Okhsl JzCzHz HSL Monochromatic Colors #3c3835 #3f3b38 #433f3c #474340 #4b4744 #4f4b48 #534f4c Tints and Shades #474340 to white #474340 #635f5c #807d7a #9e9c9a #bdbcba #dedddc #ff...
ivory#FFFFF0255,255,240 Color NameColorHex CodeR,G, B orange#FFA500255,165,0 avocado#B2C248178, 194, 72 apricot#FBCEB1251, 206, 177 plum#DDA0DD251, 206, 177 peach#FFDAB9255,218,185 blueberry#0041C20, 65, 194 Color NameColorHex CodeR,G, B ...
ivory #FFFFF0 (255,255,240) azure #F0FFFF (240,255,255) snow #FFFAFA (255,250,250) black #000000 (0,0,0) dim gray / dim grey #696969 (105,105,105) gray / grey #808080 (128,128,128) dark gray / dark grey #A9A9A9 (169,169,169) silver #C0C0C0 (192,192,192) light gra...
Ivory Porcelain / AP106-1 Shalimar Paints Similar Paints ProMarker ★ Pastel Beige#eee9cc ΔE = 0.411 / LRV ≈ 80.8% Albany Paint ★ Freesia#efe8ca ΔE = 0.423 / LRV ≈ 80.3% Coronado Paint ★ 7812 - White Marsh#efe8ca ΔE = 0.423 / LRV ≈ 80.3% Benjamin Moore ★ Sweet Cream ...
xlIvory 15794175 象牙色 xlLavenderBlush 16118015 淡紫红色 xlWhiteSmoke 16119285 烟白色 xlLightSkyBlue 16436871 浅天蓝色 xlLavender 16443110 淡紫色 xlSnow 16448255 雪白 xlMintCream 16449525 薄荷乳白 xlBlue 16711680 蓝色 xlFuchsia 16711935 紫红色 xlDodgerBlue 16748574 宝蓝 xlDeepSkyBlue 16760...
FAFAD2 lightgoldenrodyellow FFFFF0 ivory FFFFE0 lightyellow FFFF00 yellow 808000 olive BDB76B darkkhaki FFFACD lemonchiffon EEE8AA palegodenrod F0E68C khaki FFD700 gold FFF8DC cornislk DAA520 goldenrod FFFAF0 floralwhite FDF5E6 oldlace F5DEB3 wheat FFE4B5 moccasin FFA500 orange FFEFD5 papay...
RGB(Red, Green, and Blue) is Red, Green, and Blue. As a result, these are the three light hues that can be blended to form various colors. In an RGB color system, each color code ranges from 0 to 255. Pantoneis a corporation that specializes in color matching goods, known as the...