1、RGB:这种表示颜色由三原色构成,通过红,绿,蓝三种颜色分量的不同,组合成不同的颜色,例如,100%红+100%绿混合可以得到黄色,红绿蓝三种颜色叠加可以得到白色,基本上屏幕显示色彩都采用这种方式 2、CMYK:也称作印刷色彩模式,是一种依靠反光的色彩模式,主要用于印刷,和RGB类似,CMY是3种印刷油墨名称的首字母:青色Cyan...
1、RGB:这种表示颜色由三原色构成,通过红,绿,蓝三种颜色分量的不同,组合成不同的颜色,例如,100%红+100%绿混合可以得到黄色,红绿蓝三种颜色叠加可以得到白色,基本上屏幕显示色彩都采用这种方式 2、CMYK:也称作印刷色彩模式,是一种依靠反光的色彩模式,主要用于印刷,和RGB类似,CMY是3种印刷油墨名称的首字母:青色Cyan...
然后是印刷。大家可以打开自己的打印机看看,墨盒有可能长得差不多像这个样子: 右边这三种颜色是: C=Cyan,青色或者天蓝色 M=Magenta,品红或者洋红 Y=Yellow,黄色 这三个颜色组成的三原色,叫做CMY模型。 (图片来源:Color theory - Wikipedia) 跟上面的RGB模型和加性颜色系统相反,CMY模型属于减性颜色(Subtractive co...
On the RGB/CMY(K) color wheel, violet is located between blue and magenta. Violet is closely Shades of violetprecisely halfway between blue and magenta is called color wheel violet. This tone of violet—an approximation of the color violet at about 417 nanometers Indigovarious shades of blue...
(2) 深浅变化:RGB顶点和CMY顶点到原点和白色顶点的中轴线的距离;(3) 明暗变化:中轴线的点的位置,到原点,就偏暗,到白色顶点就偏亮。RGB模型也称为加色法混色模型。它是以RGB三色光互相叠加来实现混色的方法,因而适合于显示器等发光体的显示。其混色规律是:以等量的红、绿、蓝基色光混合时。我们平时在...
Light is mixed with RGB color, and paint pigments or dyes are mixed with CMY color. RGB and CMY are complements of each other (one inverted is the other, see inversion below), and both RGB and CMYK systems use the same RGB color wheel, next below. ...
CMYK (Cyan Magenta Yellow blacK) Color Model is aSubtractiveColor Model ("if you don't add anything, it remains white"), used for printing with4colors. CMY 0.0000, 0.6000, 1.0000 CMY (Cyan Magenta Yellow) Color Model is aSubtractiveColor Model ("if you don't add anything, it remains ...
Professional Cmy Wash 4in1 Spot Framing Stage Lighting 5X60W Disco DJ Light Multi Color Double Side Zoom Stage Moving Head Lighting 295W Moving Head Beam Lights Disco LED Stage Lighting with Color Wheel Yuelight Newest LED 350W 3in1 Beam Moving Head Light Stage Lighting ...
CMY cyan: 56% (0.561), magenta: 95% (0.945), yellow: 0% (0.0) XYZ X: 24.884, Y: 10.977, Z: 95.396 xyY x: 0.19, y: 0.084, Y: 10.977 CIELab L: 39.543, a: 80.455, b: -95.613 CIELuv L: 39.543, u: 5.852, v: -133.994 CIELCH / LCHab L: 39.543, C: 124.959, H: 310.079...