RGB 转 HEX rgb 到 hex,rgb 到 hex 颜色,rgb 到 hex,rgb 到 16 进制,rgbtohex,rgb2hex,rgb 到 hex 转换器
1 Hexcode的格式为#+六位数字/字母,如纯蓝色是#0000FF 数值转换方法 1 知道了三类颜色码中的任一种,如何换算成另外两种,这里推荐使用Photoshop或者AI等设计软件,本文以ps为例。2 打开ps,点击【文件】-【新建】,新建一个任意尺寸的画板。3 然后选择【编辑】-【填充】4 弹出的对话框里内容选项选择“颜色…...
RGB Decimal : 0, 0, 204 HSL : 240°, 100%, 40% HSV : 240°, 100%, 80% CMYK : 100%, 100%, 0%, 20% XYZ : 10.899, 4.36, 57.394 xyY : 0.15, 0.06, 4.36 CIE-LAB : 24.826, 66.939, -91.169 CIE-LCH : 24.826, 113.104, 306.287 Hunter-Lab : 20.88, 56.636, -148.359CMYK...
ColorCodesLab.com - HEX, RGB, HSV, Hunter Lab, CIE Lab, CIE Luv, XYZ, Yxy, Decimal, Decimal RGB, Binary, CMY, CMYK. rgb(255, 0, 0) Text Shadow ColorCodesLab.com - HEX, RGB, HSV, Hunter Lab, CIE Lab, CIE Luv, XYZ, Yxy, Decimal, Decimal RGB, Binary, CMY, CMYK.English...
#CC0000 Hex Color for the Web has the RGB values of 204, 0, 0 and the CMYK colour values of 0, 100, 100, 20. This web color is described by the following tags: GUARDSMAN RED, RED. Color #CC0000 is one of the web safe colors. The page belows contains color combinations, color ...
rgb_to_hex_color.gemspec Initial commit Aug 18, 2014 README MIT license RgbToHexColor Turn a tuple of rgb colors into its corresponding hexadecimal color value! Install gem install rgb_to_hex_color Usage require 'rgb_to_hex_color' rgb_to_hex_color = RgbToHexColor.new(170, 187, 204) ...
#0204bb LRV ≈ 3.7% Closest short hex #10b ΔE = 0.38 RGB rgb(2, 4, 187) RGBA rgba(2, 4, 187, 1.0) Adobe RGB (1998) R: 0.03864, G: 0.04728, B: 0.7138 / #0a0cb6 ΔE = 0.841 rg chromaticity r: 0.01, g: 0.021, b: 0.969 RYB red: 0.784%, yellow: 1.56%, blue: 73.3...
3.HEX(十六进制记法) RGB记法和十六进制记法都能很好的表示出一些较为丰富的颜色,但是我们用到16进制的比较多,语法为#RRGGBB,下面说下我刚研究出来的转换方法: 我们都知道 RGB记法rgb(255,255,255)=十六进制记法#FFFFFF,都表示白色 RGB记法rgb(0,0,0)=十六进制记法#000000,都表示黑色 ...
RGB = [0.60 0.30 0.80]; rgb2hex(RGB) ans = "#994DCC" Convert the equivalent uint8 RGB triplet to a hexadecimal color code. Get RGB = uint8([153 77 204]); rgb2hex(RGB) ans = "#994DCC" Now calculate the shorthand hexadecimal color code for this color. Get rgb2hex(RGB,Sh...