radius: integer; perimeter,arc,degree,step: double; R,G,B: byte; color: TColor; begin radius := round(size / 2); RESULT := TBitmap.Create; R:=255; G:=0; B:=0; with RESULT do begin width := size; height:= size; pixelFormat := pf24bit; Canvas.Brush.Color := RGB(R,G,B...
http://www.myexception.cn/delphi/215402.html http://bbs.csdn.net/topics/390627275 结果总结: 1.生成的环中间会少一部分颜色,颜色会小于16581375。 2.手动选择颜色不准,手容易抖,要支持用户输入准确的数值。 代码实例: View Code
35 36 //生成RGB色环的代码绘制 37 //传入图片的大小 38 function CreateColorCircle(const size: integer): TBitmap; 39 var 40 i,j,x,y: Integer; 41 radius: integer; 42 perimeter,arc,degree,step: double; 43 R,G,B: byte; 44 color: TColor; 45 begin 46 radius := round(size / 2); ...
radius: integer; perimeter,arc,degree,step: double; R,G,B: byte; color: TColor; begin radius := round(size / 2); RESULT := TBitmap.Create; R:=255; G:=0; B:=0; with RESULT do begin width := size; height:= size; pixelFormat := pf24bit; Canvas.Brush.Color := RGB(R,G,B...
Delphi实现RGB色环的代码绘制(XE10.2+WIN764) 相关资料: http://blog.csdn.net/tokimemo/article/details/18702689 http://www.myexception.cn/delphi/215402.html http://bbs.csdn.net/topics/390627275 结果总结: 1.生成的环中间会少一部分颜色,颜色会小于16581375。