作者 徐传宏 摘要 张爱玲的"人生三恨"中提到;一恨海棠无香;二恨鲥鱼多刺;三恨红楼梦未完;其中的"鲥鱼多刺";指的即是一种味道鲜美的鱼类;近年来;野生鲥鱼数量日稀;几近绝迹;好在人工养殖鲥鱼技术日渐成熟;让我们不至于与鲥鱼的鲜美绝别; 关键词 鲥鱼;补脾;人工养殖;胃 收藏 ...
申请(专利权)人: CENTRAL RES INST OF ELECTRIC POWER IND 发明人:K Hideyuki,I Toshio,T Haruto,Y Koji 摘要: PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To quicken prediction by eliminating the need for reviewing the prediction conditions of out-of-step even time, when the configuration and the operation of a ...
的定值电阻(用rg表示)。(2)利用改装后的电流表和上述器材,采用图甲所示电路来测电源的电动势和内阻。①实验时,在闭合开关前,电阻箱的阻值应调至 (选填“最大值”或“最小值”)。②图乙是由实验数据绘出的R- 1 I(其中I为灵敏电流表G的示数)图象,该直线与横轴的截距为a,与纵轴的截距为-b,根据图象及...
In the case (d) or (g) in their list the corresponding group, say G, has a subset D satisfying that (*) there exist mutually disjoint subgroupsH1, ?, Hmof G such that the differencesd1d?12 (d1?d2?D) contain each element outside ?iHiexactly ? times and no element of ?iHi. ...
汽车对顶端A恰无压力时,由重力提供向心力,设此时汽车的速度为v,则有 mg=m v2 r,得 v= rg则当汽车速度等于 rg将做平抛运动,就不能安全通过,所以汽车速度应小于 rg才能安全通过,故ACD错误,B正确.故选:B. 作业帮用户 2017-04-22 举报 ©2020 作业帮 联系方式:service@zuoyebang.com 作业帮协议 ...
(57)< Abstract > As for this invention, as for the said method easily it occurs processing or it consists of the fact that the lattice condition broke bundle is involved in the spiral tube condition body which the waste can be dealt with from with the printing machine in regard to the ...