meaning the moment arm for the UTA end is about 3 to 4 times longer than the moment arm for the primary mirror end. Then one pound added to the UTA end needs about (depending on where it is placed) 3 to 4 pounds added to the mirror end ...
After decades, this debate seems scarcely closer to resolution, despite the enormous theoretical, empirical, and normative issues at stake. I argue that a misguided approach to interpreting public opinion has stymied the debate. All three theories...
Building on the notable work of Myers and Alpert (1968) [Myers JH, Alpert MI. Determinant buying attitudes: Meaning and measurement. J Mark 1968;32(July):13驴20], they propose that different methods measure different dimensions of a...
JRME2008急性呼吸窘迫综合征支气管肺泡灌洗动物模型绵羊Based on courses developed by the author over several years, this book provides access to a broad area of research that is not available in separate articles or books of readings. Topics covered include th...
States that the use of the concept of social exclusion to refer to poverty and deprivation in Australia obscures real understanding of the poverty problem. Meaning of social exclusion; Measurement of poverty; Politics of language; Evolution of soc...
Symbolic Meaning of Card IIWISC-III IQ score changes, for a group of 70 educable mentally handicapped students, over a 3-year period were found to be significantly lower for VIQ, Information, and Vocabulary tests. Trait stabili...
1968. Dimensions of meaning and their measurement. Psychological Reports 23: 1307–1329.Kreitler, S., & Kreitler, H. (1968): “Dimensions of Meaning and Their Measurement”. Psychological Reports ,...
performance measurementprogram evaluationFor much of the 20th century, accountability and performance measurement in the public sector centered on financial accounting, focusing on questions of how much money was spent and on what. ...
Laboratory studies have measured pain avoidance and pain tolerance as if the constructs are identical (e.g., measurement of task duration), but the constructs may also be conceptually distinct. This investigation compared two instructional sets' effe...
doi:10.20955/r.96.199-212Lucas, R.E., JrFederal Reserve Bank of St. LouisFederal Reserve Bank of St Louis ReviewLucas, R. E. Jr. (2014) "Liquidity: Meaning, Measurement, Management." Federal Reserve Bank of St....