(e.g., jumping, cards in lap, box full of stuff, Joe the bum) • Therapist can use a graded and structured approach to willingness assignments • Therapist models willingness in the therapeutic relationship and helps client generalize this skill to events outside the therapy context (e.g...
In cooperation with medical experts, drug regulators and the pharmaceutical industry, 13 papers have been published so far. Approximately 160 terms have been defined and work on another 50 terms c...
Also we have a full-scale of testing facility which are UV, HPLC, TLC and others. We own a GMP medical clean room which cover an area of 2000m2, and have research project with our local collage or institution every year. In addition, we have obta...
A slip of the typewriter has created a term which fills a need. "Clinical gudgement" is obviously derived from "gudgeon"—a gullible person, or, from the fish of that name, one who will swallow anything (Shorter Oxf...
In cooperation with medical experts, drug regulators and the pharmaceutical industry, 13 papers have been published so far. Approximately 160 terms have been defined and work on another 50 terms continues. The full collection of monographs will...
Reports on the panel discussion on the clinical investigative trial on benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH) by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) at the 1995 90th Annual Meeting of the Ame...
REPORT OF A CASE The female infant described here was the product of a full-term, uncomplicated pregnancy and normal, spontaneous vaginal delivery. At birth, the child was noted to have erosions and hyp...