Code README Code of conduct MIT license RFS is a unit resizing engine which was initially developed to resize font sizes (hence its abbreviation for Responsive Font Sizes). Nowadays RFS is capable of rescaling basically every value for any css property with units, likemargin,padding,border-radius...
Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct Our Pledge In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ...
to contact you to inform you of new products, services or promotions we may offer and to conduct market research when we have your consent or it is otherwise allowed. We may use your personal data to personalize our offering and to provide you with more relevant services, for example, to ...
This tour/activity will have a maximum of 25 travelers Supplied by Cancellation Policy 您最晚可于此体验开始前 24 小时免费取消。 Questions? Visit the Viator Help Centre for any further questions. Product code: 239913P19 Traveler Photos Reviews ...
A Tailwind CSS plugin to generate utility classes for RFS tailwind tailwindcss tailwindcss-plugin tailwindcss-rfs plugin rfs responsive-font responsive-font-size aerni •5.0.0•a year ago•0dependents•MITpublished version5.0.0,a year ago0dependentslicensed under $MIT ...
ECVV China Sourcing Agent will assess the reputation and supply ability of the factory and conduct field trips to select the high-quality Chinese factories for buyers. Deposit Service Commitments In order to improve the quality of service, ECVV will charge for a 100CNY deposit for the agent purc...
5.INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. Title and all intellectual property rights associated with your modifications to the Licensed Software will be the property of NXP. Upon request, you must provide NXP the source code of any derivative of the Licensed Software. You agree to assign all, and hereby ...
Apart from this, our quality control personnel will also conduct inspection on each batch. >>After that, all raw materials check result are recorded and documented well to make sure that each batch of products that we make are traceable. ☆ Advanced ...
7. System linkage debugging • Whole line linkage: After the single machine debugging is completed, carry out linkage debugging of the entire production line, simulate the actual production process, and check whether each link is connected smoothly Fault simulation: Conduct...
“Treasury Regulations” mean the regulations promulgated by the Internal Revenue Service with respect to the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. “Trust Certificate” means the Trust Certificate evidencing the beneficial ownership interest in the Trust, substantially in the ...