Polk, J., Sterling. Its meaning in world finance, New York, 1956Polk,Judd.Sterling:Its Meaning in World Finance. . 1956Judd Polk, Sterling: Its Meaning In World Finance (New York: Harper, 1956).Polk, J. (1956...
Meaning and abuses of `nonprofit' status; Controversy over their sources of funding; Groups linked to the Democratic and Republican parties; Role in campaign finance. INSET: Nonprofit sleight of hand..Reynolds, AlanWor...
into this financial crisis. The article quotes the line from Leo Tolstoy's book "Anna Karenina" about unhappy families, and explains why arts are necessary in times of crisis to supply meaning.doi:10.1017/S0898588X09000042Wie...
Educational VouchersClass SizeAccountabilityEducational FinanceAcademic StandardsIn this article, the author discusses the issue on members of the U.S. Congress not reading nor understanding the real meaning of their own legislative proposals....
He had no personal stake in stemming the rising tide of foreclosures, but as someone who has spent his career in and around securitization and structured finance, he felt he had something useful to offer. Mr. Alpert devised what he ca...
This section has particular interest considering that it gives meaning, together with other arguments, to the implicit rationale, to the extent that the current reforms are product of the historical context in which...
This article presents information on the telecommunication systems in various racetracks in the United States. Sara Grafals, vice president of finance at Infineon Raceway, in Sonoma, California, knew the raceway needed a new ...
The new range is imported from Australia and comes in four variants, covers two engine options and three specification levels. The Toyota Camry is by no means a vehicle that a single woman goes to brag to her mates about. T...
Private Finance Initiativeriskuncertaintypublic managementcontractsLife in Shanghai has been more than comfortable for Mike Graves, the general manager of a U.S. apparel company's 50/50 joint venture with a Chinese manufacturer. His children go to the be...
This article focuses on the book "Sterling: Its Meaning in World Finance," written by Judd Polk. Tax policy, farm problems, foreign aid, the Sterling area arrangements which this book describes all of these contain thorny arguments and demand clear unde...