Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. criticized President Biden’s State of the Union address Friday, calling it a “hyper-partisan” stump speech that did little to spark unity in the nation. “I mean, I thought the speech in genera
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks to the media on Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2024, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.Matt Slocum/AP "He's a well-known name," said Dan Mallinson, an associate professor at Pennsylvania State University at Harrisburg. "He's different than a lot of other third-party candidates...
Getting on the ballot in enough states to secure 270 votes — just over half the 538 votes in the Electoral College — is no small feat for a third-party contender. The Kennedy campaign is still pushing, since many states have deadlines this month. File: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., during a...
The Fox News piece says Manchin isn’t much moved by the John Hickenloopers and Tim Kaines browbeating him about a third-party run (maybe, just maybe, he’s of the opinion that these guys have caused him nothing but trouble with his own constituents and he’s had enough)… ...
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has garnered his share of headlines since declaring his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination on April 19, 2023. On October 9, 2023, Kennedy left the Democratic Party and opted to run for president as an independent candidate. ...
Third parties often try to run on policy ideas that neither of the two major parties have an interest in. The Green Party historically contends that neither Democrats nor Republicans do enough to take care of the environment or attend to consumer safety. Libertarians argue that neither De...
“Americans are angry at being left out, left behind, swindled, cheated and belittled by a smug elite that has rigged the system in its favor,”Kennedy declaredwhen he announced his run as a third-party candidate last fall. This resentment is a common talking point for him on podcasts host...
that JFK and RFK would oppose RFK Jr.’s quixotic attempt to influence the American political discussion. After all, John F. Kennedy’s run for the White House was nothing if not quixotic. He had no substantial political experience and was exceptionally young for a run at the Oval Office....
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -American Values 2024, a fundraising "Super PAC" supporting third-party presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., said on Tuesday it plans to spend up to $15 million getting him on the ballot in 10 states that will be important to winning the 2024...
Medicaid and the ACA cover somewherearound 170 million Americans— that’s roughly a third of the U.S. population. Oversight and regulation of those government health systems is under the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and Trump wants Dr. Mehmet Oz to run that. But CMS is part...