It is likely that some of these radio systems will interact in undesirable ways. When a new ham first fires up a VHF receiver and hears a few pagers in addition to the normal signals-or, even worse, hears bleeps, noises and unidentified voices across most of the band-he or she often ...
The Palstar has only two filters, no AM sync, etc., but rock solid AM performance on MW and HF and seems immune to overloading or images. I seem to recall some minor legal kerfluffle between Drake and Palstar about 10-15 years ago over some design issues, but I can't find those r...
Bandpass filters are quite easy to construct and you may want to experiment with certain designs before investing in the real thing. For those who are thinking of a new computer, I hear that notebooks have very low RFI emission and may be very suitable for radio use. In case you are ...
One thing brute force filters will do, is increase voltage drop. For no other reason, they should be shunned. The rule of thumb is, if they cured a problem, then something else in the installation is amiss! There is another type of RFI we have to deal with as well, and that is ...