Define RFD. RFD synonyms, RFD pronunciation, RFD translation, English dictionary definition of RFD. abbr. rural free delivery American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publis
DPHP caused a reduction in pup and maternal body weights but not developmental or testicular effects typical of "phthalate syndrome." DPHP was not genotoxic. Due to the lack of carcinogenicity data, there is inadequate information to assess carcinogenic potential. The RfD of 0.1mg/kg-day was ...
people with Asperger's Syndrome enter computer science. Among other issues, people with Aspergers lack the social graces that the rest of the population wears. Once again, I don't know Thomas personally, but I will say this. This group needs him and people like him. They are the ones who...
进而发送出去一个数据包,所以,在典型情况下,传送一个只拥有1个字节有效数据的数据包,却要发费40个字节长包头(即ip头20字节+tcp头20字节)的额外开销,这种有效载荷(payload)利用率极其低下的情况被统称之为愚蠢窗口症候群(Silly Window Syndrome)。
Pulmonary arterial aneurysms in Behçet′s syndrome: areport of 24 cases[J]. Br J Rheumatol, 1994, 33(1):48-51. 5.NasserM, CottinV. Therespiratory system in autoimmune vasculardiseases[J]. Respiration, 2018, 96(1):12-28. 6.李圣青. 肺血管炎的临床与影像学特点解析[J]. 国际呼吸杂志...