before system copy , we want to keep all the RFC interface : here is the step: Copy all entries of the following tables to the transport of copy request: R3TR TABU EDIPHONE EDIPO EDIPO2 EDIPOA EDIPOD EDIPOF EDIPOI EDIPORT EDIPOX EDIPOXU EDP12 EDP13 EDP21 EDPP1 With table Keys: *...
SAP PI(RFC)练习 1大纲 练习环境:PI 740 SP2 1.通过System Landspace(SLD)配置业务系统及组件;2.通过Enterprise Services Repository(IR)配置数据传递的输入输出结构、数据类型控制,以及不同系统数据结构的映射(MAPPING)功能;3.通过Integration Directory (ID)配置系统连接技术:Communication Channel设置连接技术...
SAP Basis - RFC Between SAP ECC & HANA - Suppose, you want to set up a trusted RFC towards target system BB1 on your source SAP system AA1. With the completion of the setup, you would be logged onto AA1 and your user would have enough authorization in BB
I am sorry, but I cannot confirm compatibility saprfc 1.4.1 with Sap Basis 7.00 now, because I have no access to SAP system with this SAP Basis. I hope that I solve it in the near future (I downloaded technology preview SAP Basis 7.00 from SAP SDN) and next version saprfc extension ...
<1>RFC Basis,基础 这一节给出了一个纲要,来浏览在一个sap系统中的RFC,纲要如下: RFC接口是如何工作的 RFC提供的功能 技术需求以及所支持的所有平台 (1)RFC 接口 RFC是对一个函数模块的调用,但是调用者的系统与被调函数所在的系统是不一样的。
Since a long time SAP offers the ActiveX RFC Controls - wrapper around the classic RFC library (LibRFC [ANSI] and LibRFCU [Unicode]). You can use this ActiveX Controls
I have used RFCs in connection with Visual Studio .NET - if you intend to do the same, SAP provides a connector. Your BASIS admin will need to create another SAP id so that you can connect to your RFC/SAP system. Reward if helpful. Reply amit_khare Active Contributor 2007 Feb ...
SAP Managed Tags: NW ABAP Remote Function Call (RFC) I'm trying to use PyRFC to extract large tables via RFC_READ_TABLE (due to an uncooperative/unsupportive basis team). I know that RFC_READ_TABLE supports calling it with PACKAGE SIZE since ERPConnect does it by default. In , I lea...
in this case u only specify the business object and its method from external system in BAPI there is no direct system call. while RFC are direct system call Some BAPIs provide basic functions and can be used for most SAP business object types. These BAPIs should be implemented the same ...
both systems can act as server and client. The call of an RFC function is synchronous, so that it is especially suitable for processes in which decisions or data are directly required for production. The OPC Router cancall RFC interfacesin the SAP system using all parameter types and data, ...