RFC stands for REMOTE FUNCTION CALL RFCs are used to establish a connection between two different application servers rfc used for accessing functions of a function module in a function group present on different application servers with in a landscape i.e., for transfer of data directly between ...
BAPI stands for Business Application Programming Interface. It is a library of functions that are released to the public as an interface into an existing SAP system from an external system. You can use Transaction BAPi to view alll BAPI's in the syatem. BAPI methods are RFC enabled function...
IDocstands for intermediate document. It is simply a data container used to exchange information between SAP systems or between SAP and third-party systems. IDoc is an open interface which is independent of the internal data structure stored in SAP, and independent of sending or receiving applicati...
RFC is the protocol used by SAP for remote communication, that is, for communications between remote independent systems.RFC is used for communications between two independent SAP systems, or for communications between an SAP system and a non-SAP system, such as an external application. It can a...
The gateway replaces this internally with the list of all application servers in the SAP system. Comment lines begin with # The individual options can have the following values: TP Name ( TP=): Maximum 64 characters, blank spaces not allowed. The wild card character *...
REST stands for “Representational State Transfers” and is a common protocol for exchanging data between software systems. Read how our SAP HANA database plug-in enables you to exchange data of your production processes directly with the new SAP HANA database. Here you can find the details abo...
Note: this is a heavily-revised, more conservative version of #2395 This RFC provides the library component for the first-class async/await syntax proposed in a companion RFC. It is intentionally m...
The latter three specifications are in fact alternative signaling standards that allow for the transmission of a session description to an interested party. SAP is used by multicast session managers to distribute a multicast session description to a large group of recipients, SIP is used to invite ...
In "Changing" tab make parameter declarations as follows: Content_Type Like W3Param-Cont_Type with Default value as 'application/json' Content_Length Like W3Param-Cont_Len Return_Code Like W3Param-Ret_Code Among these W3Param parameters, CONTENT_TYPE stands for HTML content type. ...
The set of UALs has also been introduced to make it possible for different signalling protocols to use the SCTP layer. 本文档旨在描述如何通过IP网络传输经典电话系统中使用的电话信令协议。如[RFC2719]所述,整个体系结构称为SIGTRAN(信令传输),由传输协议(SCTP)和多个用户适配层(ALS)组成。传输协议SCTP...