RFC侧接口无需继续创建,只需创建外围系统侧的SI即可,关于如何判断SI的类别(或出入站),可以从接口设计去考虑,发送方(sender)将数据发送到出站接口(outbound),再到集成引擎(PI),集成引擎将消息发送给入站接口(inbound)再到接收方(reciver);所以对于示例接口来说,如上图: outbound :SI_13589_SGHRERP2CEERP_Z00...
后来和其他PI开发讨论这个问题时得知,其实只需要重新激活communication channel就可以,原因是xml报文形式会在CC通道里留有缓存。 RFC类型接口的的这些问题完全可以在使用代理类接口后来规避。因为代理类的参数是在PI端进行的开发配置,当业务发生更改需要改变参数时必然会经过PI,参数经过PI推送到GUI,abaper无法在GUI侧直接...
sap pi(http_to_rfc)配置 1.PI登录界面 2.定义SLD 3.定义IR 4.点击创建按钮,导入SLD 5.创建NAMESPACE 6.导入RFC 其中RFC的输入输出参数如下图:ZSSD_PORT_XSYW、ZSSD_PORT_XSYW_FK都为结构,其中ZSSD_PORT_XSYW如下图:代码如下图:创建SERVICE INTERFACES: SI_03H5_TJPORT2...
And we're done:) Now you can test the RFC destination in SM59 to see if it works. Further Reading: 1. RFC Processing with the RFC Adapter - help.sap.com 2. Configuring the Sender RFC Adapter - help.sap.com sap process integration (pi)27...
标签: SAP PI ABAP 高速下载 资源简介 本文档详细介绍了RFC如何在PI创建配置并导出wsdl供外部系统调用,本篇进介绍服务提供方是erp,供外围系统调用的用例,外围发布服务erp为消费方的PI配置请见PI开发手册02。由于所用实例使用的是项目实例。在此声明,本文档为本人的归纳总结,仅供学习交流使用。
3.通过Integration Directory (ID)配置系统连接技术:Communication Channel设置连接技术、Receiver Determination定义信息的发送方和接收方组件、Interface Determination定义关联的接口、Sender Agreement定义发送方协议、Receiver Agreement定义接收方协议;4.PI与ECC系统连接配置;5.与SAP ECC系统实现连接方式RFC、IDOC、ABAP ...
Create a RFC userid RFCMETADATA in SAP ECC to allow SAP PI RFC Sender Adapter to gather meta data – this will be used in the SAP PI Sender RFC Communication Channel. I have made this a user type C (and used function module SUSR_USER_CHANGE_PASSWORD_RFC to change its password for ...
SAP PI 配置 从配置到开发测试 Inbound outbound都覆盖 1. SLD(System landscape directory)中创建software component 2. ESR(Enterprise service repository)中创建software component version 3. 创建namespace 4. 创建folder 4. 创建date type DT 并激活 5. 创建message type 6. 创建interface 7. 创建message map...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP Process Integration Hello, I am having simple scenario where PI reads XML and calls RFC function module from PI to process data and trigger mail. What are the different options to debug RFC function module while using Test run mode in PI Interface Mapping. Thanks.Know...
RFC is an SAP interface protocol based on CPI-C. It is used to simplify the programming of communication processes between systems. RFCs enable you to call and execute predefined functions in a remote system - or in the same system. They manage the communication process, parameter transfer, an...