IPv6 addresses of all types are assigned to interfaces, not nodes. An IPv6 unicast address refers to a single interface. Since each interface belongs to a single node, any of that node's interfaces' unicast addresses may be used as an identifier for the node. 所有的IPv6地址都是赋给接口...
Source Address An IP address assigned to the sending interface, or the unspecified address if no address is assigned to the sending interface. Destination Address Typically the all-routers multicast address. 源IPv6地址:在lwip中,要么是链路本地地址,要么是任意地址IP6_ADDR_ANY6,也就是全零地址。 目...
IPv6的地址分为以下几类: Unicast: An identifier for a single interface. A packet sent to a unicast address is delivered to the interface identified by that address. Anycast: An identifier for a set of interfaces (typically belonging to different nodes). A packet sent to an anycast address is...
RFC 2462IPv6 Stateless Address AutoconfigurationObsoleted byRFC4862 无状态地址自动配置(SLAAC)功能由RFC2462描述,现被RFC 4862取代。主要内容包括: l设计目标 l协议概览 l协议规范 l重复地址侦测 l全局地址生成 l配置一致性 l保持配置的地址的稳定性
As IPv6 deployment increases, there will be a dramatic increase in the need to use IPv6 addresses in text. While the IPv6 address architecture in Section 2.2 of RFC 4291 describes a flexible model for text representation of an IPv6 address, this flexibility has been ...
前面提到的 NAT 的诸多“好处”之一就是内网的自治性,在保证本地网络和应用程序的稳定性的同时,可以在多个运营商之间切换。因为 IPv6 支持多个前缀同时使用,本地唯一地址 ULA(Unique Local Address)前缀就被留作本地通讯。ULA 不是为了在互联网上可路由的,否则会对全球路由聚合产生负面影响。
2.Literal IPv6 Address Format in URL's Syntax To use a literal IPv6 address in a URL, the literal address should be enclosed in "[" and "]" characters. For example the following literal IPv6 addresses: FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210 ...
Hinden R,Deering S.RFC3513:Internet protocol version 6(IPv6)addressing architecture.. 2003Hinden R,Deering S.Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Addressing Architecture.RFC 3513. 2003Hinden, R., and S. Deering. Internet protocol ver- sion 6 (IPv6) addressing architecture. Request fo...
自动配置 处理包括利用无状态地址自动配置生成链路本地地址, 生成全球地址, 以及启动验证链路上 地址唯一性的重复地址检测 (Duplicate Address Detection) 程序。IPv6 无状态自动配置机制要求主机无需手工配置,路由器(即使有 )仅最少配置,以及无需附加服务器。 无状态机制允许主机,使用本地可获得信息和路由器通告信息...
第一章 引言在IPV6中,主机在决定如何自动配置它的接口时采取步骤如下。自动配置处理包括利用无状态自动配置生成链路本地地址(linklocal地址),生成全球地址,以及启动验证链路上地址唯一性的重复地址检测(Duplicate Address Detection)DAD程序。IPV6无状态自动配置机制要求主机无需手工配置,路由器(如果有)仅最少配置,以及...