2. 修改方式:游戏内菜单依次点 Settings > Calibrate Controls,将Look ahead/Exaggerate Yaw/Head Physics调为0%,将Head Vibration调为Off。 注:Settings > Graphics下的Stabilize Horizon功能有些类似座舱G力,但两者不一样。 3. 补充,RF2也提供了模拟“转向时倾斜头部”功能(默认关闭状态)。如果想体验类似VR的转...
Create presets of your rFactor 2 settings and quickly change between performance focused VR setup or an eye-candy favoured Replay setup. vrrfactor2 UpdatedOct 18, 2024 Python lerontonge/Mission-Data-Dash-for-AC-ACC-AM2 Star7 A simhub dashboard for Assetto Corsa, Assetto Corsa Competizione, Aut...
昨天rFactor 2发布了11月的版本更新,为了周五即将到来的spa dlc做了一些准备。这一次更新包括了大量的改变和优化,也标志着32位版本彻底退出历史舞台。现在,我们强烈推荐用户切换到新UI来享受到我们这次更新带来的优化和改进。 这次同时的我们也带来了VR下的桌面镜像模式,方便那些使用VR但是又需要在显示器上做进赛道之...
支持VR: SteamVR. Keyboard or gamepad required 附注事项: To run on minimal settings at 1080p 推荐配置: 需要64 位处理器和操作系统 操作系统 *: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 or 11 with latest Service Packs 处理器: Intel Core i5-9600 or AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 内存: 32 GB RAM 显卡: GeForce GTX...
Thing is...I am using the ARC for RaceRoom Edition, Automobilista2, Live For Speed, Assetto Corsa, Assetto Corsa Competizioni...all on flat monitor and in VR...with zero issues. Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply Earl_Intel Moderator 10-23-2024 12:22 AM 637 Vie...
I've never seen so much activity in RF2 online outside of a league in a long time! There's all of this and more, because along with the new content comes a new build of the simulation which packs a host of new features, fixes and improvements!
Thing is...I am using the ARC for RaceRoom Edition, Automobilista2, Live For Speed, Assetto Corsa, Assetto Corsa Competizioni...all on flat monitor and in VR...with zero issues. Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply Earl_Intel Moderator 10-23-2024 12:22 AM 663 Vie...
Settings across the UI can now be adjusted more quickly: Right mouse button: 10x multiplier Middle mouse button: 50x multiplier Holding down left mouse button: 5x multiplier after 2 seconds 10x multiplier after 4 seconds Greyed out setup settings (including the name and value) that cannot be ad...
Fixed crash when changing resolution options in VR Fixed intermittent crash when installing content CONFIGURATION APPLICATION Updated Config file to save last used resolution and refresh rate rather than an enumeration of the used mode for more consistent handling of game resolution when adapters change....
Thing is...I am using the ARC for RaceRoom Edition, Automobilista2, Live For Speed, Assetto Corsa, Assetto Corsa Competizioni...all on flat monitor and in VR...with zero issues. Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply Earl_Intel Moderator 10-23-2024 12:22...