1. 使用TinyPedal开源HUD程序:https://forum.studio-397.com/index.php?threads/tinypedal-new-open-source-overlay-app-for-rf2-pedal-ffb-deltabest-relative-fuel-calculator.71557/ 2. 使用SimHub万能仪表程序,并加载为RF2设计的HUD文件来实现。 本体下载:https://www.simhubdash.com/ SimHub仪表合集:https:...
365960即RF2在STEAM的游戏识别ID。 通过手动方式安装 1. 手动下载的模组不会自动安装。需要将模组文件存放在RF2游戏根目录下的Packages目录中。 2. 在模组管理LOCAL CONTENT页面列表中,点击首排右侧的INSTALLED排序按钮(灰色小字),出现红色X后,找到并点击想要安装的模组包,随后在右侧点Install item按钮安装。 4. 另...
Forum to discuss and release game modifications for rFactor 2. 💰 Unbeatable Deal! 💰 Get the MOZA R5 Bundle now and save $160! 🏁🚀 Specific prefix :Show allCars (153)Skins (1363)Tracks (189)Plugins (11)Misc (179) Sticky
鉴于近期出现有国内玩家在“无授权”情况下,盗取此rFactor 2赛道模组并转模至Assetto Corsa游戏,特此发布此曼岛赛道的目前唯一授权版本日志,让更多模拟赛车玩家知晓真正的原曼岛赛道作者 Jim Pearson 及目前唯一授权由国人转换的赛道版本。 模组制作不易,原版曼岛赛道模组耗时14年制作,RF2授权转换版耗时3年完成,所有这一...
I've never seen so much activity in RF2 online outside of a league in a long time! There's all of this and more, because along with the new content comes a new build of the simulation which packs a host of new features, fixes and improvements!
True about something about rF2 being fresh all the time. But you don't need to stop using it for months to experience that. It could be days, or even switching different track, or different car, or different conditions... There is just whole lot of uniqueness in it, because it is go...
This issue is occurring during the track loading stage prior to entering the pit to start driving. This is the only racing simulator not loadi Traduire 0 Compliments Répondre Tous les sujets du forum Sujet précédent Sujet suivant 6 Réponses Ear...
4 其实我觉得forza系列拟 ...嗯..RF2画面确实渣到没话说...但物理引擎确实强大.这点必须承认 ...
I have created a series of tutorials for rFactor 2 here. It is aimed at the newer users who do not yet have the experience in rFactor2 and its plethora of usability. If new users have questions that are covered in these tutorials, please refer them to this thread here....