1. 在D:\rFactor2-Dedicated\Bin64目录中为rFactor2 Dedicated.exe创建快捷方式。 2. 右键点击快捷方式并打开属性,在目标(T)栏的最后加入+path=".."参数(参数必须填写正确),如:"D:\rFactor2-Dedicated\Bin64\rFactor2 Dedicated.exe"+path=".." 四. 配置端口 1. RF2端口号可在Multiplayer.JSON文件中定义...
4. 回到第七步并创建新的DLC服务器包即可。 注1:如果想运行第二个服,先把UserData目录下的player文件夹复制一份并改名为player2。随后为rFactor2 Dedicated.exe创建一个新的快捷方式,在目标(T)栏的最后加入+profile=player2。(可能还需要重新配置端口) 注2:如果想关闭服务器的自动模组下载功能,将D:\rFactor2-...
UI Further improvements have been made to the UI making it faster and more user friendly, track loading times have improved and there is even a function to quit to desktop instantly using a key press combination from anywhere within the game! Offline One of the biggest improvements for...
The update comes one day after rFactor 2’s Monza circuit received a significant update of its own, with Studio 397 giving owners of the Monza DLC two additional layouts. The Junior circuit is a shorter variant of the track and eschews much of the reason Monza earns its “Temple of Speed...
rFactor 2 | Q2 2022 Update and DLC Available NOW! 2967 视频zxd1997 关键更新 新的声音引擎 00:31 rFactor 2 | 五月更新:声音引擎 4186 视频zxd1997 新的声音引擎带来了不错的新效果,虽然一些老mod可能会引发一些问题。。。 湿地更新 雨天的各种东西得到了更新 新...
Fixed getting stuck in assign control pop-up after assigning tab key. Disabled user text selection everywhere except in text fields. Added highlighting of assigned control key values when hovering over with mouse. Improved transition between different profiles in graphics and gameplay settings menus. ...
终于,经历了漫长时间的内容管理代码重写后,终于是可以不需要购买全部dlc就可以和其他dlc比赛了,不仅在服务器上,也能在本地AI,观赛也不需要。 BTCC Hybrid Boost 混动!另一个长时间等待的东西,虽然BTCC的混动就相当于一个P2P。。。但是混动带来了无限可能,后面的WEC内容值得预期 ...
终于,经历了漫长时间的内容管理代码重写后,终于是可以不需要购买全部dlc就可以和其他dlc比赛了,不仅在服务器上,也能在本地AI,观赛也不需要。 BTCC Hybrid Boost 混动!另一个长时间等待的东西,虽然BTCC的混动就相当于一个P2P。。。但是混动带来了无限可能,后面的WEC内容值得预期 ...