AISpeech API online documentwell defines the core response data structure, however in Chinese. As requested by several Not-Chinese clients and developers, here I translate some parts of the document. I hope AI Speech Ltd can soon update its documents for an English version. This article covers ...
Downloads: Total: 674 | This Week: 3 Keywords: Sprint Layout, reliable, user-friendly, ABACOM, PCB design, PCB, software review, Layout, Sprint-Layout-Viewer, PCB Viewer, Viewer, efficient, Layout Viewer, intuitive interface Author: ABACOM Author URL:
Assembly Cache Viewer(shfusion.dl) 允许你使用 Windows 浏览器察看与操作 全局集合缓存中的内容 23. File Signing Utility(signcode.exe) 为 PE (portable executable)文件做标记 赋予 程序员在组件安全约束的基础上对安全性有更多的控制权 24. Shared Name Utility(Sn.exe) 帮助程序员以共享名称建立集合 25. ...
Project CorgiPrice has very specific function: retrieving the prices, in addition to the other eBay trading information, of Corgi die-cast models listed on eBay, and getting the corresponding reference prices from the other online shops, in order to assist bidding (for Suyan, my wife, and my ...