MWA对于多种侵袭性、恶性骨肿瘤和转移性骨肿瘤的治疗同样也取得了较好的疗效。 一、射频消融(radiofrequency ablation,RFA) 在影像引导下将消融电极置入肿瘤中心,通过射频电流(频率为460~500 kHz)产生的热效应使肿瘤组织凝固性坏死进而灭活肿瘤组织。既往研究表明,骨肿瘤组织在50℃时,4~6 min即可发生不可逆的细胞坏...
RFA,即"RF ablation"的缩写,中文直译为“射频消融”。这个术语在医学领域特别常见,特别是在英国医学中,其英文流行度为2275次。RFA主要应用于电生理学研究,如AV节点改良消融前后的心脏电生理变化探讨,以及经皮治疗肺肿瘤的技术,证明其安全且有效。此外,还有基于改进PID算法的多极射频消融治疗系统的研...
RFA,即RadioFrequency Ablation的缩写,直译为“射频消融术”,这是一种在医学领域广泛应用的先进技术。它在英文中的缩写流行度为2275,主要集中在British Medicine的医疗领域,表示对特定疾病如局灶性房颤、肝癌等进行的治疗手段。具体来说,RFA在医学研究中涉及到多个方面。例如,一项研究探讨了狗的局灶性...
RFA performed for thefacet jointmay provide pain relief in 45% to 60% of patients.1McCormick ZL, Marshall B, Walker J, McCarthy R, Walega DR. Long-Term Function, Pain and Medication Use Outcomes of Radiofrequency Ablation for Lumbar Facet Syndrome. Int J Anesth Anesth. 2015;2(2):028....
Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) is a proven means of interrupting pain signals, such as those coming from irritated facet joints in the spine, genicular nerves in the knee, and femoral and obturator nerves in the hip. RFA is designed to provide long-lasting pain relief 1,2,3 This is a mi...
Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)Andreas H
Percutaneous Tumor Ablation in Medical Radiology Tobias F. Jakobs MD, Ralf-Thorsten Hoffmann MD, Maximilian F. Reiser MD & Thomas K. Helmberger MD Part of the book series: Medical Radiology ((Med Radiol Diagn Imaging)) 1168 Accesses Abstract A diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)...
目前,肝外胆管癌主要的介入治疗方法包括射频消融术(radio frequency ablation,RFA)、支架植入、胆管引流术和局部放化疗等 肝外胆管癌指源于肝外胆管包括肝门区至胆总管下端胆管的恶性肿瘤,根据其解剖位置的不同,可分为2种亚型:肝门部胆管癌和远端胆管癌。
首先,颈椎rfa是一种治疗颈椎病的方法。rfa是Radiofrequency Ablation的缩写,它通过使用高频电流烧灼颈椎痛处的神经末梢,从而减轻疼痛。这是一种非常有效的方法,适用于那些药物治疗和物理治疗无法缓解疼痛的患者。其次,颈椎rfa的优点是它是一种无创的治疗方法。rfa只需要通过一个小的切口将电极插入到痛处...
Radiofrequency (Nerve) Ablation (RFA) uses electrical current produced by a radio wave to heat up a small area of nerve tissue to stop it from sending pain signals. It can provide lasting relief for people with chronic pain, especially in the lower back, neck and arthritic joints. Pain ...