创芯为电子专业解决稀缺物料!主营嵌入式,存储器,电源管理(PMIC),接口,逻辑,数据采集,二三极管,传感器,国产eMMC…等上千万种电子元件!同时是RF 调制器厂家代理!射频和无线厂家代理!SM8281K31X原装现货供应!红外传感器厂家代理!差分放大电路厂家代理!保证原厂品质!现货现
目的:探讨血管造影对消化道动脉出血的临床应用价值。方法 :7例急性消化道出血者 ,采用Seldinger法穿刺股动脉 ,行选择性血管造影诊断 ,并根据临床需要进行介入治疗。结果 :6例有阳性发现 ,并做出定位诊断 ,阳性率 85 .7% ,其中 1例明确病因。 2例进行垂体加压素灌注 ,即刻造影未再有出血。结论 :选择性血管造影...
and high-humidity air and is cooled by a sensible heat exchanger 15 and thereafter cooled and dehumidified by an evaporator 13 of the heat pump and heated by the sensible heat exchanger 15 and passed through the condenser 11. The above closed cycle is repeated. A nonazeotropic mixed ...
海南老爸茶位于海口市美兰区朝霞路(锦程幼儿园),靠近文明东路、朝霞路、山内一里和敬贤路。在公共交通方面,附近设有多个公交站,包括武警幼儿园、流水坡、武警医院、流水坡南等,方便您搭乘33路、5路、G16路、16路等多条公交线路,轻松前往城市的各个角落。 为了帮助您更好地了解海南老爸茶的旅行信息及周边环境...
船舶的吃水差是指___。 根据您输入的内容,为您匹配到题目: **船舶的吃水差是指___。** A. 首尾吃水之差 B. 装货前后吃水差 C. 满载和空载吃水之差 D. 左右舷吃水之差 **答案**: A ©2024 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必...
We have proposed a method to plot values that range from small to large on a single plot without losing definition of structure for the small values. This plotting procedure is convenient when using commercial software, because it consists of a transformation of the data which enables them to ...
This paper attempts to propose a research system for TCM translation and discuss the current situation and limitations of TCM translation study based on Holms' theory and to offer some suggestions for the study of TCM translation as well as translation studies in China as a whole, in order to...
PURPOSE: To select a transfer procedure depending on a data transfer form by providing a transfer form identification means identifying the data transfer form between communication terminal equipments and a transfer procedure selection means selecting automatically the data transfer procedure to the terminal...