品牌名称Littelfuse(美国力特) 商品型号 RF1600-000 商品编号 C207208 商品封装 0402 包装方式 编带 商品毛重 0.01克(g) 商品参数 资料纠错查看类似商品 属性参数值 商品目录静电和浪涌保护(TVS/ESD) 钳位电压40V 属性参数值 类型ESD 数据手册PDF 放大查看下载PDF ...
Heat transfer in layered metal-dielectric structures is considered theoretically based on an analytical solution of the Boltzmann transfer equation for the phonon distribution function. Taking into account the size effect, the problem of effective cross-plane thermal conductivity of structures containing two...