3.5 W Surface Mount GaN Hybrid Power Amplifier from 4.6 to 4.9 GHz RFHIC View Product Other Companies 11 Amplifiers from Gotmic 66 Amplifiers from Mountain Microwave Technology 354 Amplifiers from Sainty-Tech Communications Limited 8 Amplifiers from Gallium Semiconductor ...
P1dB 0.50 W Grade Commercial IP3 47 dBm IP3 50.11 W Saturated Power 33 dBm Saturated Power 1.99 W Power Dissipation 20 W Impedance 50 Ohms Pulsed/CW CW Sub-Category GaN Amplifier Return Loss 5 to 12 dB Input Return Loss 12 dB Output Return Loss 5 dB Supply Voltage...
55Cs 56Ba 57-71La-Lu 72Hf 73Ta 74W 75Re 76Os 77Ir 78Pt 79Au 80Hg 81Tl 82Pb 83Bi 84Po 85At 86Rn 87Fr 88Ra 89-103Ac-Lr 104Rf 105Db 106Sg 107Bh 108Hs 109Mt 110Ds 111Rg 112Cn 113Nh 114Fl 115Mc 116Lv 117Ts 118Og 查看本题试卷 元素周期表 说课稿 教案 112阅读 ...
产品规格 纠错 型号MA-26/X-2H 制造商Microwave Devices Inc. 描述DC 至 26.5 GHz,2 W,3 至 30 dB,固定衰减器 频率DC 至 26.5 GHz 功率2 W VSWR1.4 阻抗50 Ω 封装类型连接器 类似商品 MA-26/X-2 固定衰减器 Microwave Devices Inc. A31B-3G-30 ...
型号W1G2H 制造商Advanced Control Components 描述5 - 1000 MHz,30 dB,军用应用放大器 频率5 - 1000 MHz P1dB5 dBm 输出功率0.0032 W 噪声系数1.3 dB 增益30 dB 类似商品 W500B 同轴放大器 Advanced Control Components W250B 同轴放大器 Advanced Control Components ...
From the NMR spectra, zwitterionic canonical structures containing Bi + C or Bi + C=SO units may be assumed.doi:10.1016/0022-1139(93)02898-ONatali V. KirijSergej V. PasenokYurij L. YagupolskiiDieter NaumannWieland TyrraJournal of Fluorine Chemistry...
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