The present invention seat center who also, by the seat belt attachment device so as not to be in the upper body defenseless state, to provide a shoulder seat belt attachment device the mounting can be of shoulder seat belt. A indoors seat belt fixture 1, a base step gear is provided, ...
2017年5月,第一次以旅游的身份来到西藏拉萨,高中时在一本书上种下的种子--我要去西藏,在那一天算是得以真正埋进土壤,等着它生根发芽了。 2017年6月,下定决心逃离以前的城市,收拾行囊来拉萨工作,就来到了威斯特教育。一晃,已经4年多的时间了,看着她一点点成长、一点点改变、一点点收获,而我,也在这近4年...
PURPOSE: To obtain a high thermal shock-resistant sintered body high in resistance to a thermal shock caused by a quick change in temperature by a method wherein a surface layer is so provided as to protect an inner layer which is prescribed in mechanical strength at high temperatures against...
Evidence that the packaging signal of Moloney murine leukemia virus extends into the gag region. Replication-competent retroviruses can be modified to carry nonviral genes. Such gene transfer vectors help define regions of the retroviral genome that ar... M.A. Bender,T.D. Palmer,R.E. Gelinas...