RF Microelectronics (射频微电子) 作者:[美]Behzad Razavi 出版日期:2003-12-01 电子书:暂不销售(定价:35.0)纸书价格¥17.50,点此比价 加书架 引用 简介 目录 附件 教学资源 简介 本书既可供高年级大学生或研究生作教科书用,又可满足集成电路设计工作者进一步提高自身知识和设计技能之目的。 相对其他RF CMOS...
On page 367, while discussing about current-driven passive mixer, there is this saying: the switches in Fig. 6.39(b) also mix the baseband waveforms w
RF_Microelectronics__Behzad_Razavi_ 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 bdd1120100416 2014-10-30 21:03:17 评论 相比RF Circuit design and Application有一定差距,侧重点不一样largelargeflower 2012-09-19 17:43:54 评论 挺好,是英文原版那本书的。
拉扎维 Behzad_Razavi 的 《射频微电子学》RF_Microelectronics 。第一版不厚,是基础知识。第二版由浅入深,内容很全。 如果手机下载有问题,请移步至电脑端,链接:https://forum.mianbaoban.cn/t/rf-microelectronics/49582
I don't get where does (6.127) come from. Since there's no explanation on (6.127), I guess this equation is obvious. So I reduce the problem and try to derive it by myself. The reduced problem is as follows. M1andM2are two identical NMOS.ISSis the biasing current source.VRF++VOS...
RF Microelectronics (1998) - Behzad Razavi PRENTICE HALL_p345.part1.rar(共2部分,第1部分) (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分 2SK2002-01MR-VB一种N-Channel沟道TO220F封装MOS管 2024-11-29 18:31:11 积分:1 2SK1985-01MR-VB一种N-Channel沟道TO220F封装MOS管 ...
RF Microelectronics RF Microelectronics, Second Edition teaches RF analysis and design systematically, one step at a time, taking readers all the way from specification through practical solution. Behzad Razavi has thoroughly revised his classic text to inc... Behzad Razavi 被引量: 190发表: 2011年...
STM32是一款基于ARM Cortex-M内核的高性能、低成本、低功耗的32位微控制器,由意法半导体(STMicroelectronics)生产。它广泛应用于工业控制、消费电子、通信设备、汽车电子等多个领域,是嵌入式系统设计中非常重要的一个组成部分。 资源描述 STM32拥有丰富的片上资源和外设,包括GPIO(通用输入输出端口)、定时器、串口通信...
5.Fundamentals of Microelectronics 6.Design of ICs for Optical Communications 7.Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits 8.Phase-Locking in High Performance Systems,此书是论文集,Razavi主编 模拟集成电路设计学习,Razavi or gray? Razavi的那本经典之作,学过模拟集成电路的可能都看过,我也买了一本影印版...