Among them death ray that will incapacitate or kill at great distances, a speech-into-writing translator, a buried explosive detector, a 3-dimensional visual display, a device for recording television programs, and a handful of other ideas. Interested parties are bade to contact the National ...
Carl and Jerry design and build a "polecat detector." In the process, a little drama is thrown in when a stander-by mistaken believes he is being insulted. Even if you don't learn how a photocell-based threshold crossing circuit works, you might just learn the meaning of ...
4 shows the cur- r2 2 2 2 ¼x þy þz ; z ¼ r cos y rent distributions on a half-wave dipole at different times. The expression for R can be expanded binomially as 3.1.1. Fields and Radiation Patterns. To determine the field due to the dipole, it can be subdivided ...
Although it was only.five francs,Vincent was very happy.He took the money and said thanks,thinking that he could buy some food and pay the rent. Near his home,Vincent saw a little girl in old clothes standing in the snow. The girl smiled sadly at the artist asking...
春秋时楚王若敖之子楚季之后,见《世本》(4,6,12,17,60)。 【人】楚季融,春秋时陈大夫(4,8,21)。 历史上罕见复姓。《郑通志·氏族略》 收载。 其注云: “芈姓。《世本》,楚若敖生楚季,因氏焉。” 此以名为氏。 春秋时陈有楚季·融,为大夫。