射频信道 Radio Frequency Channel
4. 闪烁噪声(flicker noise) 闪烁噪声功率随频率以1/f衰减,在等于热噪声时的频率称为corner frequency。 通常用【考虑闪烁噪声S_{1/f}后的噪声功率】与【只考虑热噪声的噪声功率】之比,来衡量闪烁噪声在某一频段的危害(flicker noise penalty)。下式是上图中\frac{1}{1000}f_{BW}到f_{BW}的闪烁噪声危害...
PER:packet error rate,用于RX input sensitivity和RX input max power的测试 ACR:adjacent channel rejection RCPI:received channel power indicator Bluetooth的简介 bluetooth的频谱范围如下: BR/EDR:79个channel ( f=2.402G+K*1Mhz) LE:40个channel (f=2.402G+K*2Mhz) RF常用器件总结 RF power combiner/Spli...
一种多通道射频(RF)发生器模块包括N个功率放大器,M个驱动器,供电模块和控制模块. A multi-channel radio frequency (RF) generator module includes N power amplifiers, M drive, power supply and control module. N个功率放大器分别产生N个RF输出. N power amplifiers respectively produce N RF output. M个...
按照下图所示搭建一个WBFM接收的GRC程序。 1. HackRF接收信号 HackRF用osmocom Source模块来接收FM信号,其中采样率设置为变量samp_rate, Ch0:Frequency (Hz)设置为变量center_freq。 用一个Signal Source产生一个频率为center_freq-channel_freq的余弦波来与osmocom Source模块的输出相乘,进行频谱搬移。
NR channel frequency to the filtered mean power centred on an adjacent(s) UTRA channel frequency....
Programmable Channel Frequency with Fractional PLL –92Hz Resolution for Low Band –184Hz Resolution for High Band FSK Deviation ±0.375kHz to ±90kHz FSK Sensitivity (Manchester) at 433.92MHz ––106dBm at 20kBit/s, f = ±20kHz, IFBW = 165kHz ...
RF Radio Frequency 类比:人若想在空中遨游,可以用飞机作为载体。飞机升空的条件是必须有一定的速度,通过一定长度的机场跑道才能把速度提上去。 信息在空中传递,必须有无线电波作为载体,但是无线电波的频率低于100 KHz时,电波就会被地物吸收,而且接收装置也非常复杂。只有达到一定频率的电波才能在空中远距离传送,也容易把...
13. 倒频功能 (Reverse Frequency) 使用倒频功能时,对讲机的发射频率和接收频率将互换,并且所设定的信令也进行互换。 14. 脱网功能 (Talk Around) 使用脱网功能时,对讲机的发射频率变得与接收频率相同;发射信令也转成与接收信令相同。 15. 自动应答功能 (Auto-Transpond) ...
02 June 2015 Pushing the limits of radiofrequency (RF) neuronal telemetry Tara Yousefi & Rodolfo E. Diaz In a previous report it was shown that the channel capacity of an in vivo communication link using microscopic antennas at radiofrequency is severely limited by the requirement not to...