Build a tower 10 Stone Pillars high with a ceiling on top. Lure the Rex to it while riding a flying mount, then land on your tower and shoot tranquilizers at it. Find a Rex that spawned near a cliff. Quite a lot of Rexes spawn in the cove on the southeastern shores, sometimes 4 ...
Spawn at bed near obelisk. Tribute artifact of the strong, put loot in storage boxes and repeat until satisfied. This technique will give you ramshackle to ascendant level giga and Rex saddles, and same level scuba gear, gas masks, and compound bows. Also, since all you n...
If you are looking for a high lvl then I recommend u to go snow biome it has the highest spawning location of rex there will be chances of a high lvl rex to spawn if it didn't then kill the rexes u dont want to tame and go far from that place wait a few minutes and there wil...
Global Flags: -c, --config="/home/akutz/.rexray/config.yaml": The REX-Ray configuration file -d, --debug[=false]: Enables verbose output -h, --host="tcp://": The REX-Ray service address Use "rexray volume [command] --help" for more information about a command. [...
slackbot({ debug: false //include "log: false" to disable logging //or a "logLevel" integer from 0 to 7 to adjust logging verbosity }); // connect the bot to a stream of messages controller.spawn({ token: <my_slack_bot_token>, }).startRTM() // give the bot something to ...
Build a tower 10 Stone Pillars high with a ceiling on top. Lure the Rex to it while riding a flying mount, then land on your tower and shoot tranquilizers at it. Find a Rex that spawned near a cliff. Quite a lot of Rexes spawn in the cove on the southeastern shores, sometimes 4 ...
Rex Taming Calculator Tips Stat Calculator Spawn Command Level Taming Speed Food DrainMultiplier Current Server Rates Use Single PlayerSettings Taming Calculator Food Selected Food / Max Time Effectiveness Use Sanguine Elixir Increases taming by 30% Exceptional Kibble PC/Console 17 57:59 98.7% ...
If you must tame one, please use a trap or load em up with tranq arrows from a VERY GENEROUS DISTANCE. They don't look it, but these things are SPEED. If it starts running at you, either pray to a god of your choice, or get on your mount and star...
Build a tower 10 Stone Pillars high with a ceiling on top. Lure the Rex to it while riding a flying mount, then land on your tower and shoot tranquilizers at it. Find a Rex that spawned near a cliff. Quite a lot of Rexes spawn in the cove on the southeastern shores, sometimes 4 ...
Spawn at bed near obelisk. Tribute artifact of the strong, put loot in storage boxes and repeat until satisfied. This technique will give you ramshackle to ascendant level giga and Rex saddles, and same level scuba gear, gas masks, and compound bows. Also, since all you...