解决方案,Rewrite-Retrieve-Read (RRR) 框架: 增加一个 Rewrite 步骤,用 LLM 把用户的问题重新写一遍来检索知识 RRR 流程: Rewrite:让 LLM 根据原始输入 x 生成新的 x' 以检索所需的知识 Retrieve: 根据 x' 获取相关的上下文 doc Read:让 LLM 结合 doc 和 x,输出 y^ (训练 Rewriter 模型的内容在这里忽...
针对这个问题,作者提出了Rewrite-Retrieve-Read框架。在该框架中,并非直接将原始的query输入给检索器,而是在检索器前面添加了一个重写输入的步骤,比如利用LLM对原始query进行重写,然后将重写的query输入检索器,通过重写query用来减小给定输入和检索需求之间的知识差距。 对于重写query,作者提出了两种方案: 利用已经训练好的...
README Retrieve-Rewrite-Answer: A KG-to-Text Enhanced LLMs Framework for Knowledge Graph Question Answering AbstractDespite their competitive performance on knowledge-intensive tasks, large language models (LLMs) still have limitations in memorizing all world knowledge especially long tail knowledge. In...
Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History527 Commits .github Add note to check maven central Oct 19, 2023 container-test 5.1 docs Oct 20, 2023 src chore: tidy up Oct 20, 2023 .gitignore Fix case sensitivity, no substitution, and tabs in rule parsing of mo… May 31, 2018 LIC...
useCursorFetch: Should the driver use cursor-based fetching to retrieve rows? If set to "true" and 'defaultFetchSize' is set to a value higher than zero or 'setFetchSize()' with a value higher than zero is called on a statement, then the cursor-based result set will be used. Please ...
Next, CPU4 retrieves a page address inputted from console panel 5 and sends a required command to controller 6 and DMAC7. Then, work data are read out of page part 1a' and written in memory 2. Further, the work data read out of page part 1a' under the command of CPU4 are written...
Suppose now the user wants to move a previously booked slot. A command is placed with all the details of the new slot and a saga method takes care of writing a Moved event for the given booking. The saga needs to retrieve the aggregate and needs it in the updated ...
Retrieve IShellFolder / IStorage interface for a subfolder: Using SHBindToParent() : C# IntPtr pidlLast = IntPtr.Zero; retVal = ShellAPI.SHBindToParent(dir.PIDLRel.Ptr, ShellAPI.IID_IStorage, out storagePtr, ref pidlLast); Or BindToStorage(): C# retVal = dir.Parent.ShellFolder....
for(this.batchCommandIndex=0;this.batchCommandIndex<nbrCommands;this.batchCommandIndex++){Object arg=this.batchedArgs.get(this.batchCommandIndex);try{if(arg instanceof String){updateCounts[this.batchCommandIndex]=executeUpdateInternal((String)arg,true,this.retrieveGeneratedKeys);// limit one generated...
它兼容Apache的mod_rewrite的语法,从而使仅仅复制.htaccess文件就把配置从appach移植到IIS中或者从IIS移值到appach中变成可能。请参阅3.2兼容性图表这一节。 运行IIS服务器SSI(rewrite重写)插件,可在windows的IIS服务器上通过“httpd.conf”文件或将指令“Options +Includes”以ASCII编码写入“.htaccess”格式的文件来...