less structured than people would think. The way I make Bleachers records — and even in everything I make with other people — there's a real looseness to it because I like to be [in the studio] when I feel incredibly excited to be there. I schedule things, just not terrib...
You want to beat the world champion (laughs).’ But any way, you know at that time I was teaching, I had no aspirations toward acting, but I went and did the fight scene in the movie with Bruce just as a kind of a break out of my schedule.”...
The schedule for the Chameleon also features The Devil Makes Three (Oct. 2), Combichrist (Oct. 4), Bayside (Oct. 5), Lacuna Coil (Oct. 7), Cory Brannan (Oct. 7) and Matt Pond (Oct. 8). The upcoming schedule for Chaplin’s (66 North Main Street, Spring City, 610-792-4110,http...