了解Microsoft奖励是否在你的区域或语言中可用 注意: 从Xbox 上的 Microsoft Store 购买商品或搜索 Bing.com 可能无法在所有国家/地区获得积分。 常见问题 如何实现卡代码获取礼物? 为什么它不允许我兑换我的Microsoft Rewards 积分? 参与Microsoft奖励是否有年龄限制? Microsoft Rewards Level 2 状态为我提供了什...
Earn rewards with Microsoft. Just by simply doing what you love to do. Sign in or create a Microsoft account and get points for gift cards, sweepstakes, and more.
Microsoft Rewards has two status tiers: Level 1 and Level 2. Earn and keep Level 2 status by reaching 500 Microsoft Rewards points each month - no matter how you earn points, they all count toward your status. Level 2 members can earn five times more points on Bing.com,...
About Microsoft Rewards status levels Applies To Microsoft account Microsoft Rewards has two status tiers: Level 1 and Level 2. Earn and keep Level 2 status by reaching 500 Microsoft Rewards points each month - no matter how you earn points, they all count toward your status. ...
Microsoft Rewards积分玩法level2 经过长时间的访问和搜索,我这边终于达到了level2,也就是说,每天能拿到的分数上限增加了。 具体加了多少呢? 每天搜索有效次数增加到了30,积分上限90 每天edge浏览器可额外获得12分 另外手机浏览器还可获得60分 假定10000分等于50元,那么每天的浏览上限大概价值7毛5 ...
Microsoft Rewards 代升级到level2 近期微软出了一个搜索换积分,积分换购物卡的活动,目前可以兑换下面一些商品。 但是各位看官也看到了,需要19250积分才能兑换最高级的商品,约100元的消费券,以我目前的每天积分获取量,也得40天以后。...
Earn points with Microsoft Rewards when you surf the web, play games, and more. Learn how to earn points and some great ways to spend your Microsoft Rewards on products and services.
了解Microsoft Rewards 若要开始享受Microsoft奖励,只需一个Microsoft帐户。 提示:如果没有帐户,请免费创建Microsoft帐户。 如果你以前是必应奖励会员,则你的帐户会自动转换为 Microsoft Rewards。 Microsoft Rewards 不要求支付承诺或费用(包含在Microsoft帐户中),请前往 Rewards 页面,登录并开始探索。
Microsoft Rewards Status Microsoft Rewards has two status tiers: Level 1 and Level 2. Earn and keep Level 2 status by reaching 500 Microsoft Rewards points each month – no matter how you earn points, they all count toward your status. You can see your level benefits at: Rewards ...
RewardLevel.SetCurrentKey("Minimum Reward Points"); // sorted in ascending order if not RewardLevel.FindFirst() then exit; MinRewardLevelPoints := RewardLevel."Minimum Reward Points"; if RewardPoints >= MinRewardLevelPoints then begin RewardLevel.Reset(); RewardLevel.SetRange("Minimum Reward Po...