新政中,对年度累计接待市外来泰过夜游客总人数5000人次以上的旅行社,按照游客人数排名,分别给予不同额度的奖励。 具体而言,排名1-2名的旅行社每年可获得4万元奖励,排名3-5名的每年可获得2万元奖励,排名6-10名的每年可获得1万元奖励。此外,对于年度累计输送境内来泰过夜市外游客1万人次以上的旅行社,前10名每年还...
获取现金返还:奖励余额达到 1 元时,即可兑换现金返还。 5. CIBC Dividend Visa Infinite 卡 该信用卡目前提供首年年费返还和高达 300 元的 10% 现金返还欢迎奖金。 该排名中写道:"在食品杂货和汽油方面提供 4% 的现金返还,在符合条件的交通、餐饮消费和经常性付款方面提供 2% 的现金返还,你就拥有了一张高收入...
4. Personalise your power-up There’s no such thing as a universal reward – one person’s treat is another’s trick – so think about what will motivate you. And have fun experimenting. 5. Turn your procrastination into power ups We find that many writers struggle to come up with rewa...
1. A homework pass for one assignment. 2. Choose a brain break activity for the class. 3. Pick an educational game for the classroom. Creativity and Art Rewards 4. Art supplies for a special project 5. Opportunity to draw on the chalkboard or dry erase board ...
本吧热帖: 1-微软rewards吧吧主招募结果公示 2-[公告]关于撤销 YZFR1R 吧主管理权限的说明 3-搜索被限制 4-账号被限制30分钟4次了 5-请教一下验证失败问题 6-礼品卡兑换网址打不开 7-Xbox积分15分钟完成不了已持续两周 8-登录微软邮箱验证的时候。 9-这个任务你们有吗 10-玩
However, while Current Rewards is legit, the rewards are slightly unbalanced. This mens a certain amount of points might get you a $5 gift card while the same amount of points might get you a $3 Paypal cashout. Many rewards apps follow a similar style, so look out for opportunities wher...
1. Enter the amount of points you would like to exchange. 2. Check the expected MBL amount and enter the MBL Wallet address you would like to make the deposit to. If you don’t have an MBL address, create an MBL Wallet from the cryptocurrency exchanges below. ...
2.3 奖励积分套餐(积分包价) 通过预订“奖励积分套餐”入住酒店,可额外赚取 1,000 至 5,000 不等的积分,而且算定级积分(参考文章)。 2.4 使用优悦会联名信用卡消费 中信 IHG 联名信用卡:酒店消费,联名金卡每消费 18 元 = 2 积分;联名白金卡每消费 10 元 = 2 积分。(...
3. Earning Points. 3.1 Eligible Flights and Eligible Fares. For purposes of Your World Rewards: (1) an “Eligible Flight” means each segment on any Emirates operated and marketed flight with an EK code. and (2) an “Eligible Fare” means any fare for an eligible flight that earns ...
The 5 Best Travel Rewards Credit Cards Focused on Travel 1. Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card Learn More Our Rating: 4.9 ★★★☆ Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card Welcome Offer Earn 60,000 bonus points Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months ...