Nevertheless, dad faced constant financial insufficiencies, due significantly to his need to maintain separate homes for himself and his mentally ill for himself and his mentally ill wife.Surya-Magha 0-degToward the end of his life, regrets overcame him, and he degenerated into severe...
“Technology alone doesn’t solve problems. Social media does not create revolutions. Its a tool. Nothing more or less. Real revolutions are born out of righteous anger and courage and vision. […] The issue is not how accurate a bomb is. The issue is what to do the bombs you have. ...
let’s take a step back. Looking at the history of photography even briefly can help us understand the camera technology that came along with it. When I think back to cameras of old, my mind goes mostly to the 35mm and the long legacy and style of photograph that ...
I’ve found many “Teachable Moments“. I will try to share a few scenes in the film and people that I was deeply touched by. Each of us of course will have moments that touched us more than others because of our own live experiences. And I think that is expected. Here are some of...
I live in Harlem, New York City. I am unmarried. I like 'Tristan,' goat's milk, short novels, lyric poems, heat, simple folk, boats and bullfights; I dislike 'Aida,' parsnips, long novels, narrative poems, cold, pretentious folk, buses and bridges. —Langston Hughes ...
One of her books of verse was a compilation of love poems sent to her husband over more than 60 years of marriage. The publication ofPhyllis Loves Kelly [downloadable via this U of T library page]marked their diamond wedding anniversary in June, 2009; six weeks later she died suddenly at...
One of her books of verse was a compilation of love poems sent to her husband over more than 60 years of marriage. The publication ofPhyllis Loves Kelly [downloadable via this U of T library page]marked their diamond wedding anniversary in June, 2009; six weeks later she died suddenly at...
One of her books of verse was a compilation of love poems sent to her husband over more than 60 years of marriage. The publication ofPhyllis Loves Kelly [downloadable via this U of T library page]marked their diamond wedding anniversary in June, 2009; six weeks later she died suddenly at...
Returning toChinain 1922, Xu beganwritingpoems and essays in the vernacular style. He fell under the influence of the Indian poetRabindranath Tagorewhile serving as interpreter for him during a lecture tour of China. The foreignliteratureto which Xu had been exposed shaped his own poetry and hel...