There is written evidence as early as1758that recruits were paid up to $400 (Virginia currency) for short term enlistment. Each colony, and later, each state, maintained their own system of currency Currency of the Revolutionary War Soldiers Virginia (University of Notre Dame --Louis Jordan) G...
“Lose money for the firm and I will be understanding; lose a shred of reputation for the firm, and I will be ruthless.”–Warren Buffett(YouTube clip of Warren Buffett’s Testimony before the subcommittee on the conduct of Salomon Brothers, September 4th, 1991)(full 4+ hours onYouTubeor...
To quoteMargaret Mead,“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”I will tell people reading this to not take my words blindly for it, have a listen to“Neurodiversity and the Myth of Normal” (part...
An "Alphabetical List of Baltimore County Masters, Servants and Amount of Compensation Claimed in Maryland Currency" is published at page 426 of the Maryland Historical Magazine, volume 94 (Winter 1999). Forty claimants are listed, among whom is Samuel Webb, Tanner. The compensation claimed for ...
It is positive to see that, although the PSC and such organisations continue not to want to get their hands dirty with supporting anyone targeted by the police, a different attitude is also widespread and ‘arrestee support’, prison solidarity letter-writing etc are common currency among ...
“Walking around Paris is very, very therapeutic for me todayand I wish you could be here to experience it as well. It would make you feel better. Kids are playing. The sun is shining. Cafes are full of people having coffee. There’s a million Chinese tourists with selfie sticks. Yes...
The oil-exportingcapacityof both nations was severely reduced at various times as a result of air strikes and pipeline shutoffs, and the consequent reduction in their income and foreign-currency earnings brought the countries’ economic development programs to a near standstill.Iraq’s wareffort was...
You are currently browsing the archives for the Vancouver category. Kempton’s networks Mastodon About Kempton About Kempton Background Admired Companies My Movies Favourite TV shows Favourite Movies Change The World Quotes I Love Quotes I Love (videos or audio) ideas Revolution ideas: currency of...
For anyone who bought a $150,000 beach house that is on sale for $11 million now could be consider a good investment. (Have a look of thisvideoof the inside of Buffett’s beach house.) But for fame investorWarren Buffett, well, thats different. To Buffett, the same $150,000 in 197...